Chapter 9

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Emily's POV

I walked into the living room to see Carter on his phone smiling like an idiot. Do these boys live here or something!? I walked over and sat by him. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Hi baby girl."

"Hi Carterrr. Why are you smiling? Is it a girl?" He said then nodded.

"Her name is Aless. I've known her for a while now. I've met her in Magcon Chicago."

"Carter you met the girl then gave her your number!?"

"No, let me tell you sweet cheeks. Okay I was on a high way and my car ran out of gas. I was gonna call one of the boys, but they were all busy. And then she pulled up behind me and asked if I needed help and I said my car ran out of gas. She offered to get me some and come back. She asked if she could have my number so she can call, cause she was visiting her grandparents. So yea. And she's not my friend because I'm in Magcon. She didn't even know what it was."

Oh well that makes more sense. I'm glad she didn't know the boys were in Magcon.

I walked down the stairs to see Kate and Aaron. Aaron was ticklinng her while Kate, well, she was basically dying.

"Say, 'Aaron is a sexy beast" He said.

"N-no! I w-w-won't surrender! OKAY F-FINE! AARON I-IS A SEXY BEA-BEAST!" She laughed and he was starring at her with adoration in his eyes.

I then walked out to the patio to see Cameron sitting on the ledge of the pool.

Hmm, you know what I'm thinking, right.?

I tip toed over to him and pushed him into the pool and started laughing.

Then Nashes appeared behind me and I new what was gonna happen.

I tried running beside him, but he scooped me up.

"Not today, my little princess." He said then threw me in.

I wasn't happy one bit. I was wearing a white shirt, and a bright pink bra. Amazing, right?

Nash started laughing and I gave him the 'I'm pissed at you' look.

Cameron swam over to me.

"Not the best day to wear a white shirt?"


"C'mon. Jump on my back. I'll carry you to your room."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek then hoped on. He's like one of my big brother. There all lie my big brother! Carter, Cam, Nash, Jack & Jack, Aaron, Shawn, Tay, Matt, and Jacob, while Mahogany is like my older sister.

Oh crap, I forgot I had real brothers for a second. Lolz. Oops.

"Uh, Emmm?"


"You can let go now."

I looked and realized we were back by my room. I blushed and jumped off. I thanked him then went into my room.

I took off my wet clothes and then changed.

I just put on a flowy white shirt with an owl, with black skinny jeans. I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. It was completely silent and I couldn't find anyone. I walked to the kitchen, upstairs, down stairs, outside, everywhere, then went to the den. I saw they were intensely starring at a game on the tv, even Mahogany. Ugh.

It was some football game that I didn't like at all.

I just walked back to my room and played on my phone. I made an edit for my fanpage instagram, @hayes_instagram_ (Go follow! It's my real fanpage for him that I have, I think you all know that tho. :p ) for one of my friend, Maddy.

Yea, I still have a fanpage that the boys, but they don't know about it. Mahogany noticed once and it was the best thing ever, basically!

I then logged of then went outside. Gosh it was so pretty. I thought about riding my bike to the volley ball courts just a few minutes down. I wrote on a peice,

" Gone out to ride my bike.

Be home soon! :)


Em <3"

I went to my room one last time to get my gym bag then went out back. I went to the shed to grab my volley ball shen shoved it in my bag then left.

The air felt nice, not to hot, not to cold. It was gorgeous outside.

When I got there I saw Megan and Emilynn playing volley ball.

"Meg! Emi!" I shouted and they came running towards me.

I joined in and then Nikayla ended up coming.

The teams were Nikayla, me, vs. Emilynn and Megan.

We played for hours, then me and Nikki won.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Em said.

"You guys wanna come over?" I asked and they agreed.

We rode our bikes back to my house and put our bikes in the back yard.

We walked in and I saw the boys sitting on the couch. Nikayla and Em stared screaming, and me and Megan had to drag them out by their mouths.

"Why'd you scream!?" I yelled. I didn't technically yelled, but yea.

"MAGCON. IS. IN. YOUR. HOUSE. EMILY.!" Nikayla screamed, and Em nodded.

I can tell where they're coming from.. I mean like, if I walked into their house and saw Magcon just casually sitting their, I'd freak out to. But, they've met before. Well, we are OTTF. That means over the top fangirls.

We walked in and they came over to us.

"Are yoy guys okay!?" Cam and Jacob rushed over.

The girls stood their blankly, liked scared to move or breathe. Then they both ran up stairs and slammed my door.

Jacob and Cameron looked at us scared and shocked.

Emilynn and I started to burst out laughing.

We went upstairs to see what they were doing and they were freaking out.

"Holly crap! We just talked to Cameron Dallas and Jacob Whitesides!" I said and nodded.

"Emily, how are you so cool with this!?"

"I mean, I guess I'm still shooken up when I see them every morning, but it's been almost a month and a half, I guess I'm sorta used to it." I shrugged.

She waved her head back and fourth. We all basically just talked to all the boys, then they had to leave.

+++Later On+++

The girls left, sadly. They were so happy to be talking to their idols.

I'm now just sitting in my room, getting ready for bed.

My phone started beeping, and it showed up as Unknown Caller ID.?

( Okay Uk stand for UnKnown, and E stand for emily)

E: Hello?

UK: Miss me?

I knew exactly who it was.. And let's just say, I was not ready for him to be back, either.

Ohhhhh Cliff hanger.!
Idk if you guys know, it might be a little obvious.?
Okay welll, 7 votes for chapter 10. :)

thank you for 1.1k😍😭 idk if It went higher , I haven't checked for about a week. But thanks! :)

* editing * The FaceTime That Started It All♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora