Chapter 15

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Hi babies 😚
my school's almost over!😊
This'll probably be up after I get done with school, but yea! Have fun reading chapter 15 lovelies(:

Emily's POV

"Emily, Emily wake up," I head Hayes voice.

I fluttered my eyes opened to see a smiling Hayes. I looked around, and realized I'm on a plane. Huh? Why am- Oh yea. I forgot.

"Hayes are we in Hawaii," I asked him and he nodded.

I sat up and walked out. The airport was huge!

I walked over to where everyone else was.

"Let me make sure everyone's here." Anthony said, and started counting.

He nodded, and started going to the pickup place for our luggage. My bags came around, along with everyone else's, and we left.

There was a white limo waiting for us, and boy, was it hot. Hawaii is absolutely beautiful. The palm trees are brightly green, no clouds in the sky. It looks like it does in pictures.

"Nice choice of place to go Em," Jake said and kissed me head.

I nodded, and he walked away. I saw Aaron and Kate walk hand in hand, while Kate laughed at something Aaron said.

Aaron looks at her with such love. I wish I had that...

I sighed and looked out the limo's window.

We passed the beach and it was absolutely incredible looking. The water shined a bright blue, and the sand was as sandy as you could imagine. I couldn't wait to step into the water.

We got to the hotel and gosh, was it gorgeous. Everything looks so amazing! We checked in and went to our room, well, the room I'd be staying in.

The roon was painted a peach color, and had white couches, a tv, and a table. The bathroom was also a peach color, but the sink counter and shower was marble.

We got four rooms, and four of us in each.

One room was Mahogany, Jacob, Hayes and me.

Room two was Carter, Matt, Aaron, and Shawn.

Room three was Jack, Jack, Nash, and Cameron.

The last one was Taylor, Jake, and Anthony.

I went to the balcony to see what our view was.

Beautiful big palm tree's, the beach, board walk and carnival.

The biggest thing that stuck out was the huge Faris Wheel, that I couldn't wait to ride with Hayes.

Hayes opened the door leading to the balcony and wrapped his arms around my sides.

I was shocked at first, then sparks shot acrossed my body.

I smiled, and put my hands on top of his.

Hayes' POV

When she put her hands on top of mine, it felt amazing. She makes me fall harder for her, every single second. And I can't control it.

We stayed their for a good bit, admiring the view, when Mahogany came in.

"Em- woah, am I bothering you guys?" She said and Emily quickly let go of my hands, and scooted over.

"Oh, uh, nope! Whatcha need?" She asked nervously.

"Can you come check if we left anything in the limo with me just in case?" Mahogany said and she nodded.

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