The Vanishing Glass

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"I should've known you would be here, Professor T'Challa."

The black cat meows, and sniffs the air. Jumping from its crate it's form miraculously progressing from an animal to a broad man with a serious face.

He nods, "Good evening, Professor Strange. I must ask...are the rumours true?"

"I'm afraid so...both good, and bad."

"...and what about the girl?"

"Ah, Bruce is bringing her."

"Do you think it's..." the man searches for the right word, "...wise? To trust Banner with something as important as this?"

Strange shrugs off the notion as if the man's concern is but a trivial matter, "T'Challa, I would trust Bruce with my life."

There is a rumbling, motor sound, and the two professors look up to spot a flying motorcycle coming down from the sky.

It lands with a thud, then proceeds to skid down the length of the street and sputter to a halt. An incredibly large man with green skin and a brooding coat takes off his goggles, and steps off the bike.

After removing his coat, suddenly, as if a chameleon, he transforms into an average looking man with pale, flushed skin, and a full head of black and silver hair.

He smiles breathlessly, "Professor Strange! Professor T'Challa! It's good to see you."

Strange nods, "No problems, I trust?"

"No, no, none at all Professor. Oh! But, she did just fall asleep, so— so try not to wake her." Bruce walks to the bike, and, so very gently, scoops up a sleeping baby.

He looks at the child tenderly and then hands the bundle over to Strange.

T'Challa sighs and shakes his head, " you really think it's safe to leave her with these people? I've been watching them as a cat all day. They are the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are..." he frowns.

Stephen glances at the bundle in his arms, "That may be true...but they're the only family she has."

The group of men look at the house before them. It's nothing special, utterly normal even. It's lawn trimmed to perfection, it's bushes and roses primped and preened and perfect.

T'Challa shakes his head, "Think about it, Stephen. This child will be famous. There won't be anyone in our world who doesn't know her name."

Strange nods, regarding his colleagues, "Precisely. She's better off growing up away from all that, until she's ready, that is."

Stephen walks forward and places the sleeping baby on the doorstep slowly.

Behind him, Bruce sniffles a bit, his eyes glassy with emotion.

"It's okay Bruce. It's not really goodbye, after all." Strange smiles sympathetically.

Bruce agrees, dipping his head down to look at the bundle once more.

Strange opens his red cloak and takes a creamy white envelope out, placing the letter on the doorstep next to the child.

Now, even Strange looks a bit sad.

"Good luck..._____ Marvel."


"Up! Get up."

Your Aunt knocks on your cupboard door repeatedly, "Now!"

You wake up, and turn on your bedroom light. Above, your cousin Hela stomps on the stairs and shouts, "Wake up! We're going to the zoo!"

You look up to the join works of the stairs and small amounts of dust rise and sprinkle down on your face. When you do try to get up and come out of the cupboard, Hela swiftly pushes you back inside and slams the door in your face. She giggles evilly, and then struts into the kitchen.

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