Thank You Uraraka

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[I have officially entered the MHA contest ( MyHeroAcademiaAwards ) so wish me luck]

"I got you..." Bakugo was struggling as half his torso has already fallen off the cliff.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya looked up at him with horror in his eyes as tears began to swell in them. "Just let me fall..."

"No fucking way I'm doing that! ARGHGHHHH!!" The pain surged throughout his body as he felt like Midoriya's wrist was slipping through his grasps.

"'d be better for both of us." Midoriya now had tears streaming down his cheeks as he reached into a knife sheath he kept around his left hip. Midoriya unbuckled the flap and slowly reached in to grab his black Kinsheif. [A random knife name I made up] His goal was to chop of his own wrist, which would send him falling to his doom, but as he brought the knife up to his wrist, he ended up accidentally dropping it to the ground because his hand was shaking uncontrollably. Suddenly, he felt his body dip as he looked up at Bakugo, who's body was hanging completely off the cliff, only using a rock to hold both their weight up.

"Don't you dare give up now Deku! We're gonna make out of this alive, even if it's the last thing we do." Bakugo's eyes twitched as he struggled with all his might to hold the both of them on a solid rock that was embedded into the side of the cliff. In attempt to pull himself up, he ended up causing the rock they held onto loosen. Crap. I don't know what to do. If we fall, I could use my explosions to keep me in air... Bakugo glazed down at a frightened Midoriya with a saddened look as his pessimistic thoughts crowded his mind. But Deku...I wouldn't be able to hold both us up with only one hand free to use explosions.

Suddenly, his grip fully came off the only rock that was keeping them alive. But just as they were about to plummet the ground, Bakugo felt a gentle touch rush through his arm. Soon, his body was wailing in the air as they started to free fall to the ground. Bakugo's hand accidentally let go of Midoriya's during the fall. I thought I saw Uraraka.... suddenly a flash appeared in his mind of Uraraka looking at him from the edge of the cliff with tears in her eyes. Bakugo widened his eyes as he turned his body in air in search of Midoriya. She only touched me. I bet she's waiting until I get a hold of Deku again to lift us both up. Bakugo used his arms to 'swim' in the air, making his way towards Midoriya. He reached his hand out to grab his, letting the tips of his fingers gently grace that of Midoriya's. "Come on Deku!!"

"I'm trying!!"

By now, they were only feet away from crashing. Bakugo's eyes lit up as he was finally able to grab ahold of his hand. They came zooming faster towards the ground. Any day now Uraraka... They were literally centimeters apart before they stopped mid-air and started to float up; both their hearts were beating immensely.


"So why did you come here?" Bakugo questioned as Midoriya and him sat crissed crossed on the ground, staring up at Uraraka.

She looked down at the grass, with guilt shining throughout her eyes. She rubbed her left arm and sighed before speaking. "Todoroki told me what happened and I just wanted to apologize."

"It's okay Uraraka! Don't worry about it." Midoriya chuckled while rubbing the back of your head.

"Not to you..."

Midoriya gave a confused glance as he watch Uraraka lift her face to meet Bakugo's eyes. "I'm sorry Katsuki Bakugo." She then looked over to Midoriya. "I'm sorry for causing you guys both so much trouble. I was being a selfish, arrogant little girl and it won't happen again. Deku...I just want you to be happy. And if being with trash- err Bakugo, makes you happy than that makes me happy."

"Yeah you were." Bakugo huffed to himself, but they both heard and Uraraka looked away while Midoriya gave him a 'shut-the-fuck-up' look. She bowed one more time before turning her back and started to walk away.

"Uraraka! Wait!" Midoriya called out as he reached his arm out in front of him while getting off the ground. He approached behind her as she stopped and turned around to face him. He whispered, "thank you" before giving her a peck on the cheek. Bakugo just sat there, witnessing the whole thing, while grunting to himself with his arms crossed over one another.


As they used the picnic basket as a place to put all the candles, the two rolled up the red blanket and stared out at the sun staring to rise. The two stood next to each other; Midoriya holding onto the rolled up blanket and Bakugo gripping the basket full of candles and opened wrappers. Midoriya looked at Bakugo and laughed, "guess we won't be coming here again."

"This is our special place. I don't want one crappy incident ruin this spot for us forever. I'll make sure nothing will happen to you again." Bakugo leaned, planting a surprise kiss onto Midoriya's peach lips. Midoriya enjoyed it as he sunk deeply into the kiss.

"I could get used to this..." Midoriya chuckled as they pulled apart, both their faces blooming red.

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