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We don't hate each other, but we're definitely not friends either.

"Hey Uraraka!" Midoriya called her over the minute she walked into the classroom. Her eyes spotted him and immediately walked over to him, only to have Bakugo block her path.
"What do you want?"
"We need to talk." Bakugo grabbed Uraraka by the arm and started to make his way out the classroom, but she restrained him.
  "What the hell Bakugo! Let me go!" That's when Midoriya immediately stood up and rushed over to where the other two were.
  "Katsuki!" Bakugo slowly released his grip on her and turned around, shocked that he used his real name. He snarled and huffed, turning back and walked out the classroom. Who does he think he is? That good-for-nothing stupid brat. Bakugo continued to fill his mind with thoughts as he left the school.
    "Hey Katsuki. Where are you-" Bakugo, lost in thought, walked past Kirishima, completely ignoring his existence. "Going?" He watched Bakugo leave. He turned around and grabbed a hold of his right shoulder. "Yo dude, you all right?" Bakugo stared blankly at Kirishima, then hissed, making Kirishima retreat his hand. Bakugo turned back around and continued to walk.
      He marched around the streets and some how ended up at a nearby park. There were very few people there; a couple making out, a girl jogging, and two siblings playing fetch with their dog. He decided to take a break and sit down on the park bench.
  "Katsuki Bakugo?" Attendance was being taken.
  "I saw him leave the school building earlier." Kirishima snitched, unintentionally.
Midoriya opened up the bedroom, expecting to see Bakugo there, but surprisingly, he wasn't. He decided to work on his homework.
  After a while, Midoriya finally was finished. He took a deep breath of satisfaction and reached into his pocket for his phone. He scanned over the time. Eight twenty-four. I haven't called mom in a while...I should see how she's doing! After unlocking the phone, he opened up the phone app and typed in his mother's number. It rang over and over, but no answer. It then went to voicemail and Midoriya talked into it. "I don't know why you're not answering, probably because you're busy or something, but I just wanted to let you know that I lost the key to the house so Mrs. Bakugo took me in. Oh and our class trip is in three days. I don't know if you'll be back by then, so I just wanted to let you know. I love you and be safe." Midoriya waited a while before hearing the voice machine continue it's process. He pressed the end button and leaned back in the swivel chair.
Okay....Kacchan still isn't back. Is he mad at me again? Ugh really are a Deku. It was already eleven o'clock at night. Midoriya stood up from the wooden desk, where he was working on his homework, and grabbed one of Bakugo's hoodies, since it's raining. Smells like him...He walked out of the house to go on a search for Bakugo. It wasn't just raining; It was freaking pouring. Midoriya walked through the streets, looking for any sign of Bakugo. After about an hour, Midoriya was starting to feel hopeless so he sat on the ground near a plant to think of places Bakugo would be. "Achoo!" He used the sleeve to wipe the snot off his nose. Great, Kacchan will surely kill me now. He sighed at the thought, not really focusing on that. All he cared about was finding Bakugo. His knees bent up to his chest as he folded his arms on top of them, placing his head in the distance between his arms and chest.
"Tch." Midoriya lifted his head to see Kacchan standing there with an umbrella. "Stupid Deku, why the hell are you not inside." Deku started to cough a couple of times before replying.
"I was looking for you. I thought you were mad at me again..." Midoriya glanced down at the tip of his toes, resting his chin on his folded arms. "Achoo"
"Come on. Lets go" Bakugo grabbed Midoriya's arm and pulled him next to him, under the umbrella. Their shoulders touched one another.

          "I'll be fine walking in the rain

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"I'll be fine walking in the rain. There's not enough room under the umbrella." Midoriya started to speed up a little to remove himself from under the umbrella. Bakugo walked his normal pace and eventually caught up with Midoriya. He stood on his left and pushed the umbrella towards him. He continued to look straight ahead, pretending it was no big deal. Midoriya looked up at him with his big green eyes.
"Just take it before I change my god damn mind, got it?!" Midoriya hesitated on grabbing it, but once he did, Bakugo released it and walked ahead of Midoriya. Midoriya waited a while, watching the rain fall onto Bakugo's shoulder. Out of instinct, he ran up besides Bakugo and held the umbrella over both their heads. Bakugo looked down at Midoriya with confusion, but all Midoriya did was smile, which cause Bakugo to smile, sincerely. They didn't say anything the rest of the way back. It was a comfortable silence though.
Midoriya coughed for the fiftieth time while they entered the house. "Oh my god! Where the hell have you two been?!" She then looked at Midoriya, who's face seemed to get pale. "Izuku...are you feeling okay?"
   "**cough** yeah....I'm fine" he managed to say, only to cough again afterwards.
"Awh come here." Midoriya slowly wobbled towards her. She put her hand on his forehead, underneath his green hair. "Izuku! You're burning up!" Midoriya took a step back to cough.
"I-I'm fine, really. I just need to get some sleep that's all. I'm be go-" Midoriya suddenly collapsed onto the ground. The last thing he heard Mitsuki calling out his name and a worried, familiar voice from Bakugo, yelling 'Deku'.
      "Someone! Catch h-" the officer got cut off when something cold and sharp pierced through his chest. "GAHHHH!" Blood splattered everywhere. The guy brought is blade towards his mouth, as his tongue slid across it. "I'm coming for you...."

         "Deku!! Wake up!" Bakugo hovered over Midoriya and shook him as sweat came down Midoriya's face. His eyes popped open and his heart was racing a hundred miles per second. He had trouble catching his breath. He soon noticed Bakugo, and he was able to relax. Bakugo had this panicked expression, that not even Midoriya has seen before. "Stupid Deku. Making me worry for nothing." He grunted as he took a step back.
        Midoriya slowly sat up and realized he was on Bakugo's bed. "Kacchan? Why am I in your bed?"
        "The hell do you think we are? A bunch of crazed animals?"
         "Well no but-"
          "We're not just gonna put a person who collapsed on a raggedy old stupid mattress on the ground."
          Midoriya nodded. "Thanks." He gazed at his twiddling thumbs, as he thought back to his nightmare. "Kacchan..." Midoriya looked up at Bakugo. "No. Katsuki..." this automatically grabbed Bakugo's attention. He knew he was serious. "Can I tell you something. But you have to swear not to tell anyone."
       Bakugo grunted, "fine."
       "Remember when Todoroki, Iida, and I were attacked by the Hero Killer?"
         Bakugo raised an eyebrow, questioning why he's bringing this up now. "Yeah. When Endeavor has to save your useless ass; how could I forget?"
        Midoriya sighed, "well there's more to the story." Bakugo continued to look at him with a questioning look. Midoriya didn't bother to make eye contact as he just continued to stare at his thumbs while telling the story. "Todoroki, Iida, and I were the ones to capture Stain. We defeated him in a 3 on 1 battle."
       Bakugo gritted his teeth in anger, "that's a fucking lie and you know it!"
       Midoriya gulped, looking at the disbelief in his eyes. "Since we weren't legally heroes, we had no authority to hurt the Hero Killer. So in order to avoid repercussions [A/N- "Good job author chan! You used good vocabulary :3] the police offered us a deal; which was to say that Endeavor came to our aid and we wouldn't get in trouble with the law."
      "Stop fucking lying!!" Bakugo pinned Midoriya down on the bed as he snarled with anger. "That's bullshit. No way your weak ass took down the Hero Killer!" Midoriya's eyes watered. "Stop crying you big baby!!"
      "Like I said: Iida and Todoroki helped out! I didn't do it alone." Midoriya glared back with threatening eyes, which only caused Bakugo's anger to risen. He placed his palm on Midoriya's face. Midoriya struggled to escaped as he wrapped his hands around Bakugo's arm. He tried saying something but since Bakugo's hand was over his face, it came out as mumbles. Bakugo's hand lit up and emerged a small explosion.

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