Dad? It can't be...

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"Deku!" Uraraka came running up, with her right arm in the air. Midoriya and Iida stopped their conversation and turned their heads back to see Uraraka come running towards them, with a smile plastered on her face.
"Oh hey Uraraka?" Midoriya smiled.
"Are you guys heading into town too?"
"Yeah. We needed to grab some more sunscreen." Midoriya claimed, holding onto his straps of his backpack.
"Yeah. Midoriya burns easily." Iida teased.
"Thanks..." Midoriya sarcastically replied. [A/N- on a totally unrelated note...I love minions] Uraraka was now walking in between the two.
"Why are you going into town?" Midoriya questioned.
"Well Tsuyu wanted some of those gummy worms."
"Does she know they don't actually taste like worms?" Midoriya laughed and the others joined in.
"WHAT THE HELL!!???" A fist angrily slammed down on wooden table.
"When I left, Midoriya was bleeding out."
The other guy rubbed his temple, "I ASKED YOU TO KILL KATSUKI BAKUGO, NOT IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!!"
"But Midoriya got in my way. He's gotten even more powerful since our last fight and if I didn't do something, he would've killed me first."
"You damn Imbecile! You are to go back and find out if Midoriya is still alive."
"But sir, there's no way he's alive. I used my Shi No Ken."
[A/N- According to the most reliable source ever: Google Translate, the words 'Death Sword' is 'Shi No Ken']
The furious guy's eyes popped open as he got closer, picking up Stain buy the rim of his collar. "YOU DID WHAT?!?"
Stain glared his eyes down and he snarled, "let. Go." He then grabbed his sword from behind his back and chopped of the hand of his comrade.
He immediately dropped stains and held onto the wrist of his left hand. "YOU BITCH!" He went around to behind a counter and wrapped a bandage around his wrist. "Do you know how long it takes to regenerate a body part?!"
"I said let go..." Stain innocently said as he walked down to a chair and sat in it, placing his left arm over the top rim of the back.
"Whatever. Just go find Midoriya. A father needs to make sure their son is okay."
Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka all entered this one small shop. Besides them and the employees, there was absolutely no one. Once everyone grabbed what they needed, they placed all the items on the counter. "Don't worry about it Uraraka. I'll pay for Tsuyu's gummy worms." Midoriya offered as he handed the cashier a small handful of cash. "Hey, is this town always so empty?" Midoriya tried to struck conversation as the women handed him some coins back.
She looked at him with devastation and despair. "You're not from around here, are you?"
Midoriya shot her a glance of confusion, "no. We're from Musutafu." Suddenly, the cashier's eyes widened with horror.
"That's where he's from."
"He?" Uraraka and Iida were looking at other items in the store, so they weren't listening to their conversation. The cashier leaned in and whispered into Midoriya's ear.
"Arcanis. The 'Devil God'. Also known as Hisashi Midoriya."
A nerve struck Midoriya as his eyes widened at the sound of the name. He slowly backed away, trying not to trip over himself. "I-I-I"
He accidentally tripped over a pile of things. He glanced at it with fear and got back up from the grounded. "I ggottta go!" He stammered as he turned around and rushed out of the store, leaving Iida and Uraraka to watch him in confusion.
Midoriya just ended up running in no direction. He needed to be alone. His head was spinning out of control. So many thoughts flooding his mind.
What have you been up to my whole life, dad?
"Deku?" Uraraka called out, while walking around on the path through the forest, with Iida beside her.
"Midoriya!" They both tried calling out for Midoriya.
Eventually, Iida and Uraraka decided to split up at a two way path. Iida headed in the direction back towards the resort hotel as Uraraka went into a dark forest with fog. They have been outside for hours, searching for Midoriya, so it was already dark out. The only source of light came from the moon. "M-M-Midoriya?" Uraraka trembled with fear. She didn't know the forest was spooky until she walked deeper into it. Wham!!!
Something slammed onto the back of her head as her vision became blurry, soon making her black out completely as she fell onto a pile of broken leaves and snapped twigs.

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