Obstacle Course Part 1

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"Today we are going to be doing an obstacle course."

"Boring!" Bakugo called out towards Aizawa.

"Now boy, it's not boring. Because one partner will be blind folded and the other will guide them with the walkie talkie."

"Still boring..." Bakugo lied but still rolled his eyes.

"Okay so the partner with the blindfold will have to use their quirk to get through the course."

Yaoyorozu raised her hand, "Mr. Aizawa! What obstacles will there be?"

[Okay, today is my flight and ever since I left my house, I literally couldn't stop crying. It's a 3 hour plane ride so I'll try to write all I can. But I might just sleep through the flight. We'll see...]

[Just boarded. Gonna write]

"You will find out. Now pick which partner will be doing the obstacle course." The group separated into pairs of twos and started to chatter amongst themselves.

"So who will be blindfolded?"

"Isn't it obvious. You are." Bakugo leaned into Midoriya's ear and smirked, "you're a sub."

"Sub? No. I'm not a sandwich."

Bakugo legit facepalmed himself.

"What did I say wrong?"

Bakugo patted Midoriya's head, "I'll tell you when you get older."

"Kacchan...can you please be the one to do the obstacle course?" Midoriya looked up at him with his big green eyes, causing Bakugo to gulp.

"Why the hell do you wanna be the one to tell me what to do."

Midoriya poked the tips of his fingers against one another as his face became pale. "You've always been kinda....sorta bossing me around my whole life....so that's why I wanted to be the one to boss you around..."

[Very Kinky 😏]

Out of impulse, Bakugo picked Midoriya up by his collar and Midoriya winced back. Bakugo raised his fist and moved it closer to his face, but stopped inches away only to realize what he was doing. He immediately let Midoriya down as his hair covered his face. "I'm sorry..." his voice was low and sincere.

Midoriya grabbed a hold of Bakugo's hand, squeezing it tightly while smiling up at Bakugo. "It's okay. I love you none the less."

Todoroki glanced over from Sero to where Midoriya was and noticed his hand was gripping Bakugo's. So...they are together after all. Or at the very least, Midoriya does like him.

Bakugo glanced down at Midoriya holding his hand, and then back at Midoriya with a death glare; Midoriya immediately knew what this meant, and he quickly retracted his hand before anyone noticed.

[I get really motivated to write when I'm writing Bakudeku scenes. Can the rest f this story have no plot or storylines and just have a whole bunch of Bakudeku one shots 😂😂😂]

[Incase you didn't realize.....that was a joke]

[I am about to depart so I am going to publish before I take off]

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