Date With Uraraka

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"Hey Uraraka! You're here early." Midoriya approached his friend, Uraraka.
"Uh yeah! Didn't wanna be late." She nervously giggled while a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.
"You look good- I mean uh pretty! You look pretty good?"
"Haha. Calm down Deku. There's no need to get so nervous." That's funny because Uraraka herself was in a mental panic.

       "Lets go in shall we?" Uraraka nodded with a smile as she followed Midoriya into the newly-opened restaurant

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       "Lets go in shall we?" Uraraka nodded with a smile as she followed Midoriya into the newly-opened restaurant. Midoriya walked over to the guy standing behind the pedestal. "Izuku Midoriya." He told the guy. The guy then looked through a bunch of laminated lined papers. He flipped to the last page written on and skimmed his finger down the paper. "Ah. Reservation for seven o' clock. Alright, follow me right this way."
       "So that's how you met All Might. That explains why he seems to favor you more than the rest of us." She giggled. Midoriya just explained how Izuku meet All Might before while being attacked by the sludge monster thing. But he purposely left out everything else.
       "Haha, he so does not." Midoriya laughed.
        "Here's your check." The waiter left the checkbook on the table.
        Shit. "Hey! Um Uraraka! You know how I said my mom is out of town and I was unable to get into my house. Well my wallet is in there...."
       "Oh no! that case I'll just pay." She smiled, putting the cash into the checkbook.
       "Uraraka. I'm so sorry! Let me make it up to you."
        "There's no need. After all, I was the one to ask you out." She winked which made Midoriya's heart skip a little.
Midoriya walked into the bedroom with a goofy grin on his face. "DID I NOT TELL YOU TO NOT TOUCH MY THINGS!?!?!?" Bakugo formed his right arm into an L shape across his chest and used it to push Midoriya up against a wall under his neck.

 "DID I NOT TELL YOU TO NOT TOUCH MY THINGS!?!?!?" Bakugo formed his right arm into an L shape across his chest and used it to push Midoriya up against a wall under his neck

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[A/N- a quick horrible sketch to show you what I mean]

   Midoriya clenched his teeth in pain as one eye winced shut. "Y-your- mom...**cough** said I c-could." He let Midoriya down. Midoriya kept coughing. Anger still enraged his eyes.
  "I'm not talking about the damn clothes you nerd! You think I give a damn about that?! Fuckin idiot. You touched the scrapbook again!!!!"
  Midoriya's confusion faded away as he mentioned the scrapbook. He averted his eyes. "Were you the one who taped it back together?"
  "Hell no!" However, that too was a lie. Bakugo's anger clearly showed because he had his nose scrunched up and his teeth gritted. "Damn Deku!" Why am I acting like this? "Tch..." he put his hands in his pockets and walked away towards his bed.

      "What the hell do you want?!" Bakugo grunted as he continued to lie down on his bed and his body turned towards the window. "I'm trying to sleep!"
       Midoriya was sitting up on the mattress and looked up at Bakugo with sad eyes. Like saying one wrong word could cause him to cry. "Why do you hate me so much?"
      Bakugo's eyes opened at the question. He started to turn around to the other side to look at Midoriya, while he said, "tch! 'Cuz you're a useless-" he stopped when he noticed Midoriya's eyes start to tear up. "Why the fuck are you crying?!"
      Midoriya wiped his eyes with his sleeve from a green long-sleeve shirt Mistuki bought him while he was out on his date. "I just don't understand what I did wrong to make you hate me so much..." Damnt Deku. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the screw up here. "All I want is to be your friend again..." Midoriya sniffled as more tears managed to escape. The word friend echoed throughout Bakugo's ear.
      Bakugo grunted, unwrapping himself from underneath the blankets, sitting at the edge of his bed, with his feet dangling. "Come here you stupid Deku..." Midoriya looked at him with surprised eyes. He slowly approached Bakugo and Bakugo didn't give him time to think before putting his left hand behind Midoriya's head and pushing him to his chest. Midoriya's eyes continued to widen. His nose scrunched up and his eyes relaxed while more tears fell. He wrapped his arms around Bakugo's back and continued to sob.

•••       "Hurry up Deku!" Bakugo impatiently waited at the front door

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       "Hurry up Deku!" Bakugo impatiently waited at the front door.
       "Coming!" Midoriya ran out of the bathroom, where he was brushing his teeth. Bakugo opened the door and walked out of it, with Midoriya following behind. Mitsuki watched in confusion.

They're walking to school together?

[A/N- I had so much fun writing this chapter!!! Sorry for it being so short]

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