We Can't Save Them All

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[You guys are gonna wish I hadn't updated]

Hagakure awoken from her unconsciousness. Her eyes clenched before fully opening. Everything around her was a small blur but her eyes quickly adjusted and she was able to see. She was strapped to some kind of chair. Hisashi stepped into the light and approached Hagakure with a knife in his hand.

Hagakure started to tremble in fear as tears managed to escape her eyes. "W-w-what are you g-g-gonna d-do to me??"

"Isn't it obvious? He stopped admiring his knife and looked straight into Hagakure's eyes with a smirk. "I'm gonna kill you."
"This is their base?"

"AHHHHHHH" a scream from inside the base was heard.

"That scream!" Jiro announced.

"It sounded like Hagakure..." Yaoyorozu finished Jiro's thought

"She's in trouble! We have to go rescue her!" Kaminari whined with worry.

"Okay. Here's what we're gonna do: Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Ashido, Iida and I are gonna find Hagakure. The rest of you need to distract the League Of Villains for us so we can get by. Got it?" Aizawa demanded and everyone nodded in agreement. "And whatever you do, make it back alive. If you don't, then I'll have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and that's a hassle."

Jiro picked up the direction in which that scream came from by holding her breath and closing her eyes.

"It's coming from the North" the group of five started sprinting towards that direction.

They soon arrived in a room, but what laid before them horrified them. Blood flooded a body of a brown haired girl.

"She's....oh my god." Tears escaped the classmate's eyes. Yaoyorozu ran to a corner and started to throw up. Ashita ran after her to help her. The others just stared at Hagakure. Aizawa ran to Hagakure picking her up.

"We can still save her!! We have to find Recover Girl!" Even Mr. Aizawa had tears coming from his eyes.

"I'll do it!" Iida suggested, referring to his use of the Recipro Blast. He ran over to Aizawa and grabbed Hagakure from him and used his Recipro Blast, zooming straight into the main room where everyone was fighting. Recovery Girl was off to the left. Iida zoomed towards her. He looked down at her with pleading eyes, "we need your help."

"Come with me." She lead him out of the base, away from all the fighting. They entered the nearby forest. Iida gently placed Hagakure on the ground, letting her head rest on a rock. Recovery Girl then used her quirk at an attempt to heal her.

"Bakugo? What are you doing here?" Kirishima questioned when he noticed Bakugo behind the bars.

"I don't know. Just hanging out." Bakugo sarcastically remarked.

"Sorry. Stupid question" Kirishima chuckled.

"Watch out!!" Bakugo exclaimed as Shinso ran towards Kirishima, throwing a punch his way. He was very well-skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
Recovery Girl looked up at Iida with depressing and worried eyes. "I'm sorry...I couldn't save her." Tears made their way down the side of her cheeks, but she didn't even notice.


[Rest In Peace Hagakure]

[Originally I was gonna have her live but that's too predictable]

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