Answers In The Night Time

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[The chapter you've all been waiting for]

"Oh..." Midoriya frowned.

"I fucking love you, idiot."

Midoriya's eyes widened with hope, not expecting him to say that. His face turned fifty shades of red. He didn't know how to respond to that so he just kept his mouth shut.

The two arrived at the edge of a cliff. Midoriya let Bakugo down onto the grass, gently, holding his arm around him as a balance. He was helping him over to the edge of the cliff, so they can sit on it and stare at the ocean beneath them. However, something happened that cause Midoriya to drop Bakugo, sending him onto the ground with a thud. What caused this, was Bakugo's question: "What about you? Do you like me?"

Midoriya panicked and tried to apologize. "Sorry!!!"

Bakugo helped himself up as he sat with his knees bent up to his chest and his arms hung over them. "Will you stop saying sorry for once. Besides, it was my fault anyways..." Bakugo frowned as he stared out towards the ocean as the moonlight reflected across the all waves that crashed against the bottom of the cliff. Of course he doesn't like me. He broke up with me.

"Yes. I do like you. No. I..." Midoriya gulped, as his face continued to flood with red. "I- I love you! I do! I love you Katsuki!!!" He shouted, letting out everything. When he finished, he took a deep breath.

"Then why-"

Midoriya cut him off. "Because..." he sighed. "Ever since we started dating...You never once said you loved me. You only say it when we're not together. Kind of like you're playing tricks on me. And then when I pretended to lose my memories, you said that you never even liked me. And you always call me names and the fact that you want to keep us a secret just says that you don't want me or you were just embarrassed of me... so I thought that if I break up with you before you break up with me, then I wouldn't be as hurt. .." He whispered the next part, but Bakugo was able to hear him, "but I was still just as hurt."

"Deku. I want you more than you could ever realize. And I am not good at expressing my feelings and emotions. And just because I don't say that I love you doesn't mean I don't. I know what I said in the room that one time, but when you said you chose Uraraka, I only got more angry and said whatever. I didn't mean it Deku. You are literally everything to me and when I thought you lost your memory for good, I couldn't take it. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. The feeling that you have forgotten me twisted me up and tore my heart to shreds from the insides. Plus, even when we weren't dating, I always called you names. I didn't want things to change between us so I continued to do those things. I didn't realize I was hurting you in the process. Also, I never once thought of you as an embarrassment. Keeping us a secret was more torture for me than you could know. I did it because I felt like I didn't deserve you. After everything I've done to you in the past...I thought 'why is he with me? After everything I have done to him since we were kids, why is he still with me?' It's funny because I thought the exact same thing you did. I thought you were gonna break up with me. So I wanted to keep it a secret to save myself from public humiliation...I don't know...I was stupid. No scratch that. I am stupid." He then looked up at Midoriya. "I was too afraid to love you..."

Midoriya's eyes squinted as he immediately went towards Bakugo, grabbing his face, and pulling him into a kiss as tears fell down his eyes. This kiss wasn't like any other...this one meant something. Once they released from the kiss, Midoriya smiled up at him, "Katsuki Bakugo....I love you. I have loved you ever since we were kids."

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