Remember Me

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[Btw the picture above I stole from one of Sleepy_Ash03 chapters😂]

"Oh wow. I wasn't looking for you too, so this is an added bonus." A familiar voice appeared out of no where. Bakugo and Midoriya got into their fighting positions with their fist held up to their chest and their knees bent. Suddenly, Bakugo gets thrown through the air from behind. "KACCHAN!!!!" Midoriya sprinted towards his friend who was bleeding out through a wound in his chest, however, was pushed back by an unbelievable force. This guy is no joke...

Midoriya screamed in agony as he landed on a couple of broken glass shards, tearing up part of his skin on his elbow, to the point where you can start to see the bone. Blood fled out as he used his right hand to cover his wound up. He's fast. Smart. And powerful...but his voice...why does it sound so familiar. "SHOW YOURSELF!!" Midoriya demanded with a yell. Bakugo got up, limping, as he made his way towards Midoriya.

"Why should I show my self when you already know who I am, my boy?"

Midoriya and Bakugo cocked their heads to the side, and said in unison, "Allmight?" They were thinking him because of the phrase 'My Boy'.

"No you idiot! I am your father."

"My father died when I was only a child. There's no way you're him. I saw him get hit by a truck with my very own eyes."

"Izuku. Izuku. Izuku." The other person said, clicking their tongue. "You must've forgotten about my quirk."

What was his quirk? Oh shit...that's right. Midoriya's eyes popped wide open with horror.

"I see you remember now." The guy popped out of the shadows, showing a scruffy brown beard, a scar over his right eye that prevents him from opening it, and a hand that has no fingers. "My quirk is the ability to steal other's quirks."

[If you remember back in the chapter 'Dad? It can't be...' Stain cut off the hand of Hisashi, and Hisashi got mad because it takes too long to grow back. So his hand that has no fingers is the hand that's still growing back. Oh another fact is that only his hand takes a long time to regenerate. His other body parts will regenerate in a matter of up to 5 minutes]

Midoriya began to shake with fear. "W-w-what are you d-d-doing here?"

"Don't worry my child. I'm not here to hurt you." Hisashi's eyes immediately darted towards a certain ashy blonde haired guy with red ruby eyes. Midoriya followed his gaze. The next thing that he saw was a flash of red before his eyes as Hisashi launched himself with a knife, aiming for Bakugo's shoulder. He was so fast that none of them even knew what he was doing or that he was going to attack.

Midoriya looked over to Bakugo, who's knees started to wobble, eventually giving in and sending him onto the ground. His eyes were threatening to shut close but he fought to keep them open. Midoriya rushed to his side, with tears streaming down his face.

Meanwhile, Hisashi was just lurking in the shadows, waiting to attack again.

"Kacchan!! Hey stay with me! It's all going to be okay." He tilted his head as he held Bakugo's upper body in the palms of his hands.

Bakugo coughed out some blood, splattering it everywhere, and onto Midoriya. He slowly reached his aching arm towards Midoriya's cheek, cupping it. Midoriya tilted his head to fit perfectly in the culled hand as more tears streamed from his eyes. "I wish..." Bakugo started to talk, but had trouble getting the words out because with each word, his throat ached to be put out of its misery. "I wish you could re- cough cough -member me...I wish you could remember all the fun we had. I wish for you to continue to love me...but there's cough not enough time for all my wishes to come true. So my last wish, I want you to make it happen. My last wish... cough cough cough cough I want you to make it out of here alive and live your life. Do things that make you happy."

"But you make me happy!" Midoriya clenched his hands onto the one that rested below his cheek. "You have always made me happy. Even when you hated me. I still loved you."

"'Hated you?' Deku...your memories...are they back?"

Midoriya shook his head in the palm of Bakugo's hand as a frown of guilt appeared on his face. "They were never gone...."

"What do you mean they were never gone?!?"

"I'll explain everything later. Just stay alive until I get back." Midoriya gently removed the hand that once warmed up his cheek and placed it down on the owner's chest.

"Wait...where are you going?"

Midoriya stood up and glared at a figure he saw lurking in the shadows. "To have a talk with dad." Suddenly, out of rage, his body lit up with One For All. However, it wasn't his normal green spark. This was different. It colored a dark Crimson Red.

"Deku..." Bakugo whispered to himself as his eyes widened at what he saw.

Midoriya charged forward aiming for the silhouette that hid in the darkness. Just as he was about to hit him, Hisashi quickly moved to his right to avoid the attack. And as Midoriya passed by, he counterattacked by grabbing Midoriya's arm and bending it backwards. "I didn't want to have to kill you. But you keep getting in my way so I'm going to have to." He threw him on the ground, across the room.

"Why do you wanna kill Kacchan so bad?!?!"

"Because. He's the one that killed your sister."

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