Follow Me

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Iida was on his way back to hotel before he spotted a figure in the woods. He strayed from the path and walked towards the figure. As he got closer, he was able to make out the messy hair of his friend, Midoriya. Midoriya was slouched against a tree with his head hanging to his right as his eyes were closed and he was asleep. On his cheeks remained dried out tears. Iida immediately picked up Midoriya and carried him back to the hotel on his back.
"W-who are you?" Uraraka had just awoken from unconsciousness and she was a little weary.
"Me? I'm just your average guy..." the silhouette stepped out of the darkness, and appeared in the light, where Uraraka was able to see their half lit face.
"Hello Uravity!"
Uraraka snarled, "what do you want with me?"
"You're not important to me. But your boyfriend is."
"Deku?? What do you want with him? And why did you capture me?"
"Well if I told you that, then it wouldn't be much of a surprise, now will it? Lets just say, your gonna do my dirty work."
Oh no...I forgot about his quirk! Uraraka' ahead swung low as she stared at the floor.
"Ochaco Uraraka, you are now under my control. Since he trusts you, your mission is to lure Midoriya here."
She lifted her and and glared him in the eyes as a devilish smirk appeared on her face.
Midoriya woke up from the bed. He looked around the room to notice Bakugo laying on the floor. W-why is Kacchan on the floor?
With this thought in mind, Midoriya unraveled himself from underneath the blankets and slowly stood up onto the ground, resulting in a yawn and stretch. He started walking and accidentally tripped over Bakugo's legs. Oh no. I'm dead.
Bakugo immediately sat up and Midoriya tried to scurry off the floor. Bakugo used his knuckle on his right pointer finger to rub his right eye. "What the hell Deku." He wearily said, obviously too tired to start yelling.
"Sorry Kacchan. Didn't mean to!" Midoriya apologetically bowed.
"Whatever." Bakugo unwrapped the blankets and stood up and headed towards the bathroom.
"But Kacchan- I was gonna take a shower."
"Well now you can fucking wait." Bakugo shut the bathroom door and all Midoriya heard next was the water turn on. Midoriya glanced around the room, and then stared at the blankets and pillows scattered in the spot Bakugo was sleeping at. He walked over to the spot, and laid down on the floor. He yawned, before pulling. Bakugo's blanket it over him. He smelt the blanket and his heart legit skipped a beat since the smell was so nice. He pulled on the blanket tightly as his eyes closed once more.
Bakugo exited the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist while he used another smaller towel to dry is raggedy hair. He opened the bathroom door and turned off the light. "Dek-" he then noticed Midoriya laying in his spot. "OI NERD!! GET THE HELL OFF MY SHIT!" Midoriya blinked a couple of times and as he sat up, he noticed Bakugo and then realized where he was. His face became red, "k-k-kacccchan!! It's not-"
Bakugo walked past him and onto the bed.
"Whatever. Go take your stupid shower."
"O-okay." Midoriya shyly stood up and walked into the bathroom to get into the shower. His heart wouldn't stop pounding. He couldn't even focus on applying shampoo and what not. He sat in the tub, wrapping his arms around his knees as he just blankly stared at the water dropped tapping onto the tub. Whenever a Midoriya is around Bakugo, he always loses his train of thought.
"We're going to the beach today." Bakugo demanded.
"But we both just took showers."
Midoriya didn't feel like arguing so he just shook his head. "Who else is going?"
"Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima."
"Well can Iida, Uraraka, and Asui come?"
"Tsk I don't give a crap." Bakugo placed his hands in his pockets and walked out the room to head to the dining room for breakfast with the others. Eventually Midoriya followed.
"Hey Iida! Wanna come to the beach with Kacchan, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari later? I'm also thinking about inviting Uraraka and Asui."
"Sure it sounds like a great evening with friends. A good bonding experience."
"Have you seen Asui or Uraraka today?"
"Well I haven't seen Uraraka yet, but I did say hi to Asui earlier. They're both probably already in the dining room."
"Yeah, you're probably right."
The two headed to the dining hall together. When they arrived, Iida immediately sat down at an empty table, but Midoriya stood in the front of the room, looking around through the crowds. He spotted Tsuyu but there was no sign of Uraraka. He walked over to Tsuyu's table. "Hey Asui..."
"I told you to call me Tsuyu."
"Sorry. Do you wanna come with us to the beach later today?"
"Who's 'us'?"
"Me, Iida, Kaminari, Kirishima, Kacchan, Sero, and possibly Uraraka."
"Speaking of Uraraka, when you see her, can you tell her that I want my gummy worms."
"Yeah sure...." he agreed. "So, are you coming, Asui?"
"Only if you promise to call me Tsuyu."
"Okay, okay. I will." Midoriya smiled as he waved goodbye. He then looked around for Ojiro, Uraraka's partner. She spotted him at a table with Hagakure. "Hey! Ojiro!" Midoriya walked up to their table.
"Wassup Midoriya!"
"Hi Midoriya!" Hagakure waved.
"Hello Hagakure. You don't mind if I borrow Ojiro for a second."
"No not at all!"
"Awesome." Midoriya walked away and Ojiro got out of his chair and followed.
"Have you seen Uraraka at all today?"
Ojiro stopped to think for a moment. "No. When I woke up this morning, the bed was empty. I assumed she came down early." But as Ojiro looked around the dining room, he came to realize that Uraraka wasn't there.
"She went into town with me and Iida yesterday to buy gummy worms for As- Tsuyu. But Tsuyu said she never received her worms. Do you think something could've happened to her?"
"I'm sure she's fine. She's a strong girl, and if anything did cross her path, she would've taken care of it. If she's not back by tomorrow morning, I'll notify Mr. Aizawa and help him set up a search party."
"SHE COULD BE DEAD BY TOMORROW!" Suddenly the room went quiet as they all looked at Midoriya. Midoriya and Ojiro went silent and both their faces went super red.
"Oi Deku! You better not be talking bout that shitty story again! You kept me up all night reading that shit!" Midoriya glanced at Bakugo with confusion but eventually caught on.
Midoriya nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Heh...heh. Sorry Kacchan." He cracked a quirky [A/N- The Adjective] smile.
The room took a while but everyone eventually went back to their normal chatter.
Ojiro leaned in and whispered into Midoriya's ear, "tell you what, I'll go looking for her with Toru today."
Midoriya's eyes lit up with sparkles, "R-really?!? Thank you so much Ojiro!!! Let me come help you guys search!"
However, Ojiro declined his offer. "Thank you, but Toru and I can handle it. You go have fun." Midoriya felt super guilty letting them search for her while he went to have fun, but now he can put his mind a little at ease.
The group of people arrived at the beach. Midoriya was sitting in the sand, watching Kirishima, Iida, Sero, Kaminari, and Tsuyu play in the water. Bakugo was getting drinks from a small shack nearby. He approached Midoriya, placing the bottles of the water in the nearby cooler. He then picked up Midoriya bridal style and carried him to the edge of the water. "K-kacchan?! What're y-you doing?"
Bakugo ignored him and tossed him into the deep end. There was splashing around and Midoriya's head popped up out of the water only a couple of times before going back under. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched anxiously. Bakugo's eyes widened with horror and immediately dived into the water. He forgot that Midoriya couldn't swim...
He swam over to where Midoriya was and swooped him out of the water, again, carrying him bridal style. He walked towards the shallow part of the water.
"That's what you get!" Midoriya teased. Bakugo annoyed, dropped Midoriya in the sand in the shallow end of the lake. Midoriya just sat there, laughing. Bakugo genuinely smiled at the sight of him laughing.
Everyone sat on the sand laughing and eating sandwiches.
"Midoriya! When did you learn to swim?" Kirishima asked as he took a giant bite from the right corner of his ham sandwich.
"Erm. Well after the water test actually...." he got silent before continuing. His face became heated and he stared at his sandwich which remained still in his hands. "I didn't want to worry Kacchan anymore. So I had Uraraka help me with my swimming."
"I wasn't worried about your stupid ass" Bakugo mumbled, but Midoriya was able to hear that. He just laughed in response. "WHAT THE HELL YOU LAUGHIN' AT YOU DAMN NERD!!"
Midoriya took a breath from laughing and responded with, "nothing."
Sero asked, "so you just learned to swim for Bakugo's sake?" Kirishima frowned at this comment because even though he was with Kaminari, he still had feelings towards Bakugo.
"Well I also did it for my sake. I can't not swim forever."
"Yeah that's true."
"DEKU!!" A voice called out and Midoriya's eyes immediately opened to the sound of her voice. His head turned behind him and saw Uraraka standing with Hagakure and Ojiro. Without hesitating, he scurried off the sand and raced over to them. As he approached them, he didn't slow down, he ran straight towards Uraraka, wrapping his arms around her back, pulling her into a hug.
"I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried sick about you."
Uraraka sweat dropped, "I-its okay Deku." Midoriya removed himself from the hug. "After you ran off, I was looking for you in the forest and eventually, as time passed by, I lost my sense of direction and got lost. Luckily, Ojiro and Hagakure found me and came to my rescue."
"I'm sorry for running off like that."
"Don't worry. But while I was looking around the forest, I found this really cool cave. And I think it's Shigaraki's hideout."
"No way! Really?!"
"Yeah! Come with me and I'll show you."
Uraraka turned around and started to walk. Midoriya was about to follow her before something grabbed ahold of his right arm. "He's not going anywhere with you." Uraraka stopped and turned to face Bakugo. Bakugo gave Uraraka an angry and suspicious glare.
"Let go Bakugo. I can handle myself." Midoriya struggled to remove his arm from his grasps, but eventually did and followed Uraraka into the forest.

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