"Well, now you are," Naureen said irritatedly, "Please take Mahira along and collect Zoe's dresses from the TCS-."

"I'm sure there's no point in me going anymore," Mahira's voice was icy, "I can help you out with some other task. You look burdened."

Naureen looked thoughtful for a while, "While your offer is tempting, we can't really trust men with handling something as delicate as a bridal dress."

Fawad scoffed, clearly offended by his mother's words.

"You'll have to go, Mahira," She pleaded, "You're the only one I can trust."

Mahira cursed internally.

What had she gotten herself into?

A car ride with Fawad was definitely not something she wanted to deal with right now. But looking at Aunt Naureen all distressed and panicky, Mahira could not help but lay down her arms.

"Okay," She gave Naureen a small smile, "I'll be back soon."

Without sparing Fawad a glance, Mahira trudged towards the driveway.

The black Rolls Royce, in all its elegance and class, came to a stop directly in front of her. Sliding into the plush leather seat, Mahira could not help but gape at the interior of the car. It spoke of everything luxury and for a moment, entranced by her surroundings, she forgot who sat besides her on the driver seat.

Regaining her composure, she buckled herself in, all the while aware of his gaze burning holes through the side of her head.

With a sigh, Fawad shifted the gear and backed the car out of the driveway.

The TCS office was located in the nearest district, an hour away from the Manzil. Mahira remained quiet throughout the journey and instead sat facing the window, looking out at the pastures.

Fawad too made no attempt to start a conversation, though Mahira did sense something like guilt in his aura.

To her relief, the journey passed by in a blur and the car soon rolled into the parking lot opposite the office.

Mahira started to unbuckle herself but stopped when she saw Fawad doing the same.

"I can manage," She said frostily and unclasping the belt, got out of the car.

She looked at the shabby and dilapidated building with apprehension and realised she should've looked beyond her ego and let Fawad come with her.

No going back now, she sighed internally and willed her legs to move forward.

The office was cramped, with only as much space to accommodate one worn out counter, behind which a lazy middle aged clerk sat reading a newspaper.

"I'm here to collect a package under the name of Zoe Ahsan," It was only when Mahira spoke that the clerk finally looked at her.

"Yes, a package did arrive for the young miss," The clerk put down the newspaper and eyed her suspiciously, "But...Very well. Can you show me the receipt, please?"

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