Chapter 39

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I journeyed back to my apartment the following day unsure of my feelings about Lance's prognosis. The doctors didn't say much or, at least they didn't say much to me which was understandable since technically I wasn't family. Despite Lance's optimism, at the end of the day he wasn't a medical professional and couldn't really gauge his recovery even though he tried to assure me that he'd be okay. We were just going to have to leave the situation in God's hands. Ever so often my mind would drift towards thoughts of Aaron. Although my feelings for him were nonexistent I hope he would've made a complete recovery, to serve a prison sentence.

The week went by at a snail's pace as usual and I was eager for it to be over since it would mark the start of spring break. My girls and I were suppose to be heading to the Cayman Islands to turn up but after Lance's situation I opted not to go. I planned to spend the entire week with him instead. It had been months since I was able to have a decent conversation with him so now I felt the need to make up for lost time. Hopefully he made a full recovery so we could plan a little escapade of our own.

Once Friday came around I wasted no time packing a small duffle bag and started my four and a half hours journey to my sister's place. I needed to spend time with her and Avery as well as my dad and his family. I felt like I had been neglecting my family time these past few weeks. Maybe I was a little too invested in Lance but I'm sure they understood. Everyone seemed fond of him anyway which I was grateful for.  I could honestly envision us being together longterm.

Unlike the school weeks this week moved along swiftly. I spent all of my time either hanging out with family or at the hospital with Lance. Ever so often I'd check my SnapChat and saw snaps of my girls having the time of their life. At times I regretted not going but I knew that guilt would consume me had I gone. I couldn't bring myself to have fun while my boyfriend was stuck in bed most of days.

Since I agreed to pick Tésia and the other girls from the airport once they got back, Friday was the last day I had to visit Lance and I intended to stay as long as I was allowed to. Life was about to get hectic for me thereafter and there was no guarantee that I'd be able to visit as often as I had been doing. I pulled up to the hospital around 12:30p.m and identified myself as Lance's visitor. As often as I had been visiting it would've been great if they knew who I was by now.

Once I made my way too his room I found that he was sitting up, heavily focused on whatever he was drawing in the notepad I had brought him earlier in the week. Minus the hospital setting he seemed like his old self. I took a seat next to his bed not wanting to interrupt him. It didn't take him long to sense my presence. He placed the notepad on the nightstand and smiled as he turned his attention to me. His smile was always infectious and I couldn't get enough of it.

"What were you working on?" I asked, breaking the ice.

"Nothing serious. It's boring as hell in here so I try to keep occupied. I don't even know why you'd want to spend your enter spring break here." He expressed. I probably should've been offended but I knew he didn't mean it they way it came out. He just wanted me to have fun.

"I just wanted to come and keep you in good spirits, that's all." I said truthfully.

He chuckled," You don't think texting me a picture of you in the Cayman Islands wearing a bikini would've kept me in good spirits?" He asked mischievously, subtly licking his lips.

"Once you get out of here I can do better than send you pictures." I countered seductively.

"Yo pass me my shoes then I need to get outta here now."

I cracked up at his antics. We joked around for a couple more minutes before he pressed a button summoning the nurse. It was the same nurse from the last time. Once she recognized me the smile her face held soon disappeared. Unless my eyes were deceiving me I could've sworn she rolled hers at me.

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