Chapter 22

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I spent Thursday and most of this morning packing and getting my stuff together since I was heading back to my apartment soon. My university was about four and a half hours away so I decided that I'd probably have Lance or Ayisha drive me down there. I usually asked Aaron or rode with Tésia since she goes there aswell but right now neither of the two were an option. Aaron and I broke up of course and Té hadn't talked to me since the 'interview' situation. I understood where she was coming from but I still felt like I needed to make my own decisions and mistakes. My thoughts were soon interrupted my now ringing cellphone. It was Lance.

"Hey boo." I greeted him.

"Wassup beautiful? I got a surprise for you later. Be ready by 7:00."

"Who said I didn't have something to do?"I asked jokingly.

"What you got to do that's better than hanging with your man?"

"A lot of things."

"Aight, do that then."

I laughed,"I'm kidding. What should I wear?"

"It don't matter, just look like nice."

"I always look nice Lance." I said matter-of-factly.

He chuckled," Yeah, aight. I'ma see you later."

We exchanged our goodbyes before hanging up. It was close 4:00 right now so I decided to find something to wear. I wished he had called me sooner since I was forced to rummage through my suitcases. I settled on a yellow off the shoulder cropped top that stopped just above my navel, matching sandals and a black maxi skirt. I also packed a small overnight bag since I decided that I'd spend the night at Lance's house. After choosing my outfit I decided to take a quick nap.

When I woke up it was exactly 6:00, I got up in hurry and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. I planned to do my makeup and I still needed to do something with my hair. My usual 30 minute shower was cut in half as I made it out in record time. I dried and moisturized my skin and was fully dressed by 6:30. The remainder of the time I put my natural curls into a sleek top knot bun and did a natural beat. Just as I finished applying my NYX Copenhagen liquid lipstick and spraying myself with body mist, the knock on the door let me know that Lance had arrived.

Tonight he kept it simple but nice. He sported a navy blue, short sleeved button down shirt, matching sneakers and a pair of light wash jeans. After embracing and complimenting each other we were on our way. The short drive was filled with light chatter and lots of laughter. However, my laughter died down as I realized he was pulling up to his house. I guess the look on my face expressed my thoughts.

"Babe, I know what you thinking but I always take you out so I wanted to try something different this time."

I just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Just trust me, you gon love it. I made sure to get rid of everybody too." He said as he got out the car and proceeded to open my side.

Once he grabbed my hand and led me into the house I thought that the place looked no different, that is, until we got his studio. It was totally transformed. The room was dimly lit but I was still able to clearly see the different paintings that adorned the walls. There was a neatly set table in the middle, surrounded by yellow and red rose petals. The smell of vanilla permeated the air thanks to the scented candles positioned in each corner while old school  R&B played softly in the background. I also noticed that there were two easels on one side of the room. I was thoroughly impressed, and intrigued.

Lance slid his hands around my waist and hugged me from behind.

"I take it that you like your surprise." He whispered into my ear.

I turned around, got on my tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips, signifying my answer.

"I'm happy you do cause I put alot of effort into this." He said as he led me over to the table and seated me.

"So I made us dinner, after that we'll have a little sip and paint." He said smiling.

Lance soon disappeared and came back with cart carrying our dinner, two champagne glasses and a bottle of dom pérignon. After he served our dinner we ate in comfortable silence, content with being in other's presence. The dinner was delicious. My man can throw down!

Once we finished eating he just sat there caressing my hands and staring at me.

"What?" I asked him.

He smiled," Nothing, just wondering what I did to deserve such a beautiful woman, that's all."

I smiled as I got out my seat and sat on his lap. Wrapping my hands around his neck I kissed him deeply. He wasted no time reciprocating as we both tasted the remnants of champagne that we drank only minutes ago.

"I think we better get to this sip and paint before things get out of control." He stated with a sultry look in his eyes after breaking our kiss. I used my thumb to wipe the lipstick off his lips which caused him to grab my hand and plant soft kisses on the back of it. Soon after his lips found my neck, making a trail.

"I thought we were gonna paint." I purred.

He chuckled, "Yeah, you right."

He grabbed my hand and led me over to the easels.

"Babe, you know I'm not an artist like you." I said while pouting.

He laughed." I know you trash, that's why I already drew an outline of something for you."

"You got jokes."I said as I punched him on the shoulder.

"Damn, you so abusive." He said rubbing his shoulder.

We talked, laughed, sipped and painted for almost two hours. Turns out Lance drew a huge macaw with outstretched wings for me to paint. I think I did a pretty good job painting it. However, it was no match for what he painted from scratch. Throughout our session I realized he kept staring at me, I soon found out why. He painted a portrait of me perched on the stool painting my macaw. It was so realistic and beautiful, I'm sure a lone tear slid down my cheek. While it was too soon for me to be in love, I knew for sure that I loved Lance.

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