Chapter 34

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I woke up in a panicked state, drenched in sweat and surrounded by absolute darkness. I sat up and tried to regulate my breathing as my heart rate had increased tenfold. I must've had a nightmare. As I tried to bring my right hand to my forehead to wipe away the excess sweat I realized that I was bound. What the hell? I guess I thought out loud as a light flicked on and my sisters rushed to my side. Once my eyes were fully adjusted to the sudden bright light I realized that I was in a hospital bed, handcuffed to the rail. My sisters' facial expressions saddened once they realized the look of confusion etched across my face.

"What's going on?" I asked.

They just looked at each other, neither one seemed willing to speak.

"Why am I here?" I was desperate for an answer.

"You passed out babysis." Ayisha said cautiously.

"Okay. So why am I handcuffed?" I asked, still visibly confused.

"There's an officer outside waiting to see you." She said, avoiding my gaze.

"WHAT?" What did I do?" I asked incredulously.

"I think it's best you let him tell you." Amoya said, speaking for the first time. The officer must've felt summoned because he traipsed into the room almost immediately. My sisters retook their seats across the room.

"Hello A'mia. I just want to ask you a few questions okay." His voice was rather unsettling. I nodded my approval.

"Do you know a Mr. Lance Carter?" He inquired.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend. Is he in trouble?" I asked nervously.

"He was assaulted lastnight in your home. Would you happen to know anything about that?" If I didn't know any better I'd think that this man was implying that I'd hurt Lance.

"No!" I yelled as tears came cascading down my cheeks. The memories came rushing in. I had found Lance unresponsive but once I noticed he had a weak pulse I called the ambulance. I must've cried myself unconscious.

"Ms. Daniel's, you do know I can have you arrested if I discover that you're lying right." He stated calmly.

"We found no signs of forced entry. In fact, the doors were locked when the paramedics came, they had to pick the locks." He continued. I couldn't believe what he was saying.

" I would never hurt Lance! Ask him yourself!" I yelled. The room became deafeningly silent. I looked over to where my sisters were and saw Ayisha's shoulders heaving.

"Ayisha, is he okay?"I asked, not really sure I wanted the answer. Moisture started pooling in my eyes before she even responded.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." The officer said removing the handcuffs and exiting the room. My sisters made their way back to my side.

"Sis, Lance is in a coma." Ayisha said, caressing the back of my hand. Her words seemed to float over my head.

"Quit lying." I said as fresh tears streamed down my cheeks.

"It's true." Amoya confirmed. I wailed openly now, before everything went black.


Once I was awaken again my sisters were seated on both sides of my bed with concern etched across their faces. Looking at them I was forced to remember what happened. How could life take such a sharp turn for the worst? A wave of regret washed over me. Had I only allowed Lance to take the stupid bath with me this entire predicament could've been avoided. Or maybe it was my song choice that casted a shadow of misfortune over our relationship. I wondered if Lance had some sort of premonition since it felt like he had given me his all. Whatever happened, I was convinced that it was my fault.

"Are you okay?  You scared us." Ayisha said breaking my thoughts.

"Can I see him?" I asked barely above a whisper. Tears were threatening to fall for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah. He's in room 138." She offered a sympathetic smile.

I felt like I was taking the walk of shame once I hopped out of bed and trailed the hallway. Once I got to his room, I willed my hands to open the door. They shook violently before I was finally able to enter. I gasped the moment I laid eyes on Lance. He had tubes running through his nostrils, another connected to a needle ran through his arm. He was also hooked up to multiple machines, one I recognized as a ventilator. He wasn't breathing on his own.

As I made my way over to his bedside I held his hand, willing the tears not to fall. His head was heavily bandaged.

"Hey boo, it's A'mia." I said sorrowfully.

"I'm so sorry this happened. It's all my fault. I hope that you'd be able to forgive me." I continued as the tears ran freely.

"Please hang in there. I need you to be okay. We toasted to many more years together, remember? I graduate this semester and we gotta be that power couple you're always talking about. I hate that I'm saying this under these circumstances but I love you." I said with sincerity.

"That was sweet of you." I heard a voice say. When I turned to look I realized that it was his mom.

"Hey Ms. Loretta." I said, wiping my tears with the back of my hands.

"Hey baby. How are you holding up?" She asked.

"I could be better. Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"Honestly baby, I don't know. We just have to leave it in God's hands. The doctor said LC suffered severe head trauma either from a massive blow or multiple blows."

A gasp got stuck in my throat as I wondered who would want to hurt Lance and how they hell did the gain entrance to my home...


Short chapter but who do you think tried to kill Lance?

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