Chapter 5

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Two more weeks had passed since I'd last seen Lance and I had yet to call him. It's not that I didn't want to talk to him it's just that I couldn't find the courage to do so. I was usually a confident woman but for some reason thoughts of him rendered me timid.

It was a Friday night and I was bored out of my mind. Aaron was out being Aaron and my girl Tésia was taking summer classes so she hadn't come home yet. As I laid in bed I stared at the digital clock on my dresser, 10:10pm. Rather than laying around feeling sorry for myself I decided that I'd take a walk and enjoy my own company. Plus, the temperature was perfect. It had dropped to a cool seventy six degrees farenheit as the night progressed. I hopped out of bed, slipped my feet into my adidas slides and just when I was about to grab my house keys I saw, it. The paper with Lance's number remained unused on top my dresser.

"Just call him Mia. What's the worse that could happen?" I thought to myself.

"What if he doesn't pick up? What if his girl picks up?"

I debated with my self back and forth finding all the reasons why I shouldn't call him. However, I concluded that I was being irrational so I picked up my phone and started to dial. 6-9-6-7-2-2-8. Each time my acrylic nail clacked against the key pad my heart skipped a beat. I allowed the number to linger on my phone screen. Five minutes later I mustered the courage to hit dial.

The phone rang about four times and just when I was about to hang up I heard his voice even over the noise of the background.

"Yo, wassup. Who's this?" He asked.

I swallowed hard before responding.

"Hey Lance, it's A'mia. Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." I said barely above a whisper.

"Oh hey Mia. Hold on let me get out this noise real quick." He said softening his tone.

I heard rustling and footsteps as the noise gradually got softer until I could hear a pin drop.

"Hey Mia, you still there?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm still here." I said.

"Cool, so how you been?"

"I been good, just kinda bored right now." I said honestly.

"So that's why you decided to hit me up huh, cuz you bored?" He asked in a serious tone.

I swallowed hard and subconsciously twirled my hair as I always did when I got nervous.

"Uhm, no it's not that, I just...."

I stopped once I heard Lance chuckling.

"I'm just messing with you girl, it's cool."

"But since you bored what you bout to get into?" He inquired.

"Nothing really, I was about to take a walk. That's all."

"Oh aight, you want some company? I can swing by you in a minute."

"Uhm, sure. I mean if you want to." By this time I was a stuttering mess and cursed myself in my mind.

"Aight then, see you in a minute." He said right before hanging up.

Ten minutes later my notification light was blinking like crazy signaling that I got a message.

I'm outside, was all the text said.

I tried my hardest not to sprint downstairs. I also hoped that my mother was already asleep so she wouldn't try to be all up in my business. Lucky me, I thought as I got downstairs and realized all the lights were off. I quickly slipped out the door and made my way down the walkway. Lance was at the end leaning against the neighbor's fence looking dangerously handsome. As I got closer I noticed he was wearing a navy blue Nike t-shirt, a light wash denim jacket, matching distressed jeans and navy blue Timberlands. Not only did he look good but he smelled even better. I had no idea what he was wearing but his cologne was intoxicating.

"Aren't we a little overdressed for a walk?" I questioned as I snuck up behind him.

He flashed those perfect 32's as he laughed and said,"Nah, I was bout to leave for a party when you called me."

"Oh my bad, I didn't mean to bother you." I said instantly regretting calling him.

"Nah, it's cool. I don't mind hanging out with you for a minute. I can hit up the party later."

We ended walking until we stopped at McMillon Park where we sat and talked.

"So Mia, tell me about you." Lance said breaking the silence.

"Uhm, what do you wanna know?"

"Tell me anything you think is worth knowing."

"Well like I told you before, I attend Brown State University. I'm a junior, my major is Accounting and Finance and I'm minoring in Creative Writing. Uhm, I'm twenty one, I run track. I also love poetry which is why I chose my minor. I'm the youngest of my family. My mom has three girls." I felt like I was rambling at this point so I stopped myself.

Lance must've read my mind because he just looked at me and smiled.

"I guess it's my turn huh?"

"I'm the third child of five. Three boys, two girls. I ran track too back in the day before I got injured. I like art, I draw a lot in my spare time actually. Don't tell the homies that though they'd clown me for sure." He chuckled.

I gave him an assuring smile and said," I got you, your secret is safe with me."

"By the way, how did you get the name Slick?" I smirked a little awaiting his response.

"I was real good in English back in high school, so I guess I'm able to articulate myself well. Done talked me and the homies out of alotta tight situations." He laughed as if reminiscing about one of those situations.

I looked at him, his expression screamed concerned yet serious. His laughter subsided as he spoke," I know what you're thinking, I'm not gon play you."

"Tell you what, I'll just be plain ole Lance or LC to you." He smiled.

Just as I was about to ask him something else, his phone rang. By the seriousness of his expression and changed demeanor I knew our night was officially over.

"Yeah aight." was all he said before hanging up the phone.

He turned to me again and softened his expression. "Mia, it's been cool chilling with you but I gotta go. Let me walk you back home."

"Okay." was all I said trying my best to mask my disappointment.

We walked back to my house in comfortable silence. As we neared my walkway we said our goodbyes. About three steps away from my door I look back and realized Lance was still standing there.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm cool. Just making sure you get in safe that's all."

I smiled as I continued towards my front door. Once inside all I could say was,

"Night well spent."

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