Chapter 7

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"Can I get the barbecued ribs with sweet potato fries, make that three orders actually. Also I need two orders of the coconut breaded shrimp and brown rice please." He said.

"Are they for here or to go." The cashier inquired.

"My bad, they're all to go."

I guess after taking his order they struck up a conversation because next thing I heard was the cashier's raucous laughter disrupting the peaceful aura that existed only moments ago. I snuck a peek in their direction and noticed that the cashier was now wiping the remnants of her tears and holding her stomach. Sis was either an amazing actress or Lance was just that hilarious. Either way, I kind of wished I was in her position at that moment.

I averted my attention away from comedy central and back to Aaron as I could feel his eyes piercing me. He must've said something as his face bore a look of anticipation and slight concern.

"Babe, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing really, you seemed distracted for a minute, kinda like you were fixated on something." He said

"Oh, I hadn't noticed. I'm okay, just hungry." I half lied.

Just then the waitress waltzed over to our table with our food in hand. We thanked her for her hospitality and Aaron blessed the food. I barely opened my eyes before I dug in. I was extra hungry, plus the food's aroma was really inviting. As soon as I was about to stuff my mouth with another forkful I saw him from the corner of my eye. Lance was making his way over to our table. I instantly began twirling my hair and unexpectedly my throat became parched.

As he got closer I inconspicuously sized him up. Today he was rocking a blue muscle tank, black cargo pants and pair of Nike slides. Blue again, I thought to myself. Either he was in gang of some sort or blue was his favorite color. I made a mental note to ask him the next time we spoke. However, that note was swiftly pushed to the back of my mind as my eyes continued their inspection.

His arms bore scars that served as a permanent reminder that this man was once a boy with a blissful childhood. I also noted that his left arm was somebody's canvas atleast twice. On his upper arm there lied a tattoo of a Lion wearing a king's crown that seemed to exude the same confidence emanating from the man who was sure to grace my presence in a matter of seconds. On his forearm the words Carpe Diem were written in a bold yet tasteful font.

"Hey Mia." He said prompting me to abandon my inspection.

"Hey Lance, how are you?"

"I'm cool. Just getting some food for the fam. Every Saturday I'm forced to bless them with Ms. Wilma's cooking." He smiled and for the first time I noticed a lone dimple in his right cheek.

"How you been? I tex...."

The rest of his statement was cut off by Aaron rudely clearing his throat. For a split second I honestly forgot he was even there.

"Lance this is my boyfriend Aaron, Aaron meet my friend Lance."

"Wassup man?" Lance greeted Aaron with a balled right fist offering him a dap. Aaron however, did not return the gesture. He just sat there with a scowl on his face, looking like an angry pitbull.

"Whatever. Mia I'll see you around, enjoy the rest of your lunch date." he smirked, turned to collect his food and left.

I now directed my undivided attention towards Aaron. "You didn't have to be so rude." I said with an eye roll.

A snobbish chuckle escaped his lips as he asked," Who was that dude? And how do you know him?"

I rolled my eyes hard," Like I said Aaron he's my friend. I met him a while back on my way from the supermarket."

"Friend? Yeah right. Mia don't be naive, he only wants one thing from you and I know for sure it's not your friendship."

Just like that my appetite was officially ruined. "Aaron, quite frankly you get on my last nerve sometime. I'm not even hungry anymore." I tossed my napkin on the plate and eased it away from me.

"I'd appreciate it if you take me home NOW." I relayed through gritted teeth.

He complied with my request and we drove to my home in absolute silence. Ever so often I noticed Aaron's lips part to say something but closed just as quickly once he glimpsed my facial expression. As he pulled up to the entrance of my walkway I stormed out of the car, through the front door and up to my room. Minutes later he came in and found me pacing as I always did when I was royally pissed. His face was apologetic as he approached me with caution, pulling me into his embrace.

"Babe, you know I love you right? I'm sorry about what happened at the diner but you know I can get a little overprotective."

I released myself from his embrace and peered into his eyes. "I appreciate it Aaron but I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." I said wearily.

Much of the diner occurrence was forgotten as we spent the rest of the afternoon cracking jokes, watching movies and cuddling. Just like old times, I thought. After Aaron left around 7:30pm I felt compelled to call Lance and apologize about earlier. I dialed his number and waited, he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey Mia. Wassup? Let me go in my room real quick, it's family night and these people are loud as hell. So uncivilized. I don't even know who raised 'em freal." He spoke with humor lacing his tone.

Seconds later I heard a door close, signifying that he'd reached his destination.

"I'm good. I just wanted to apologize for Aaron's attitude earlier."

"It's cool, ain't nobody thinking about him. I was just wondering why you didn't tell me you were rocking with a square nigga." He laughed.

"Now why would I tell you that and it's not even the truth?" I asked getting defensive.

"Man whatever Mia, homeboy is a square. All I did was say hey and he acted like I was all up in your face or something. Classic square behavior." He stated pointedly.

"Either that or he felt threatened." He continued.

I rolled my eyes. Lance was feeling himself a little too much at that point, I  thought.

"Mia? You still there?" he asked.

"Yeah. Look Lance I gotta go, I'll talk to you some other time." I said, trying to rush him off the phone.

"Already? I know you not mad cause I called ya man a square ain't you?"

"Nah, I'm just a little tired, it's been a long day. Bye." I hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond. That didn't go as planned.

I took a shower then spent the rest of my night lying in bed until I drifted off to sleep. I had church in the morning.

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