Chapter 28

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I continued to observe Aaron's sudden shift in behavior the remainder of our drive to his apartment. Once we got there I realized he turned the doorknob before inserting his keys as if he anticipated that it would be unlocked. I found that strange since as far as I knew he didn't have a roommate. I also noticed the sigh of relief he released once the door was in fact locked. He fidgeted with the key before he was able to unlock the door. His behavior was odd even for him and I had a nagging feeling in my stomach but I ignored it, convincing myself that I was just being paranoid.

Once we were inside we changed into our sleepwear and settled in Aaron's bed, scanning through Netflix hoping to find something good to watch until we fell asleep. I cuddled up close to him and found that his heart was beating faster than usual, almost as if he was nervous that I was this close to him which was strange. I decided to question him about it.

"Babe, are you okay?"I asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing, you been acting a little weird."

"Oh, I'm cool." He laughed  nervously.

"That's how I get when there's a pretty lady in my presence." He continued.

I knew he was trying to play me but I pretended not to catch on.

"Okay babe. If you say so." He released a breath letting me know he was grateful that I wasn't pressing the issue. We just continued to enjoy the movie or pretended to until we both drifted off to sleep.

I woke up around 9:00a.m, did my morning routine and proceeded to the kitchen to make us some breakfast since Aaron was still asleep. I decided on french toast, scrambled eggs, sausages and a bowl of fruit. As I busied myself with preparing the meal and vibing to Lauryn Hill's Ex factor I could've sworn I heard the jingling of keys outside the front door. I paused my music to listen more attentively but then the noise stopped. Maybe I was just hearing things. Convinced that I was, I continued to blast my music. Soon after I heard the front door close and what sounded like a woman's voice. I most definitely had to be hearing things at this point. However, just seconds later I was proven wrong.

"Aaron!" The woman said, louder than before.

"Baby are you making breakfast for us?" She asked as I heard her getting closer to the kitchen.

"Aar..." She paused once she approached the island and saw me, confusion written all over her face.

"Uhm who are you?" She asked cautiously.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied pointedly.

"I'm A'mia, I'm suppose to be Aaron's girlfriend." I continued.

"Oh, uhm I'm Samyra. His, uhm, friend." She stumbled nervously over her words.

"Hmm, okay." I said before heading towards the bedroom to find Aaron. He had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed when I entered.

"Hey, a friend is here to see you." I said calmly.

"Who is it?" He asked apprehensively since he knew whenever I was this calm I was actually seething.

"Just go and see." He left the room immediately with me following close behind him. Once we got to the kitchen and he saw who it was his jaws unhinged

"Mia, babe, this is not what it looks like. She's just a friend." He said, his eyes pleading.

"Who happens to have a key to your apartment." I said, chuckling sarcastically.

"Uhm, yeah I just..." He stopped mid sentence as I cut him off.

"So are you guys a thing?" I turned to Samyra.

"Yeah, well I mean we're just talking." She said.

"Oh okay. Well I'ma leave ya'll to continue doing that." I said as I turned and went to the bedroom to start packing my things. Aaron came in shortly after.

"I know this looks bad but I swear we're not together. I mean we got really close, it's just that I felt like you checked out of our relationship."

I snickered," And you weren't man enough to have a discussion with me? Aaron you're the one who begged for us to get back together. If you felt like something was off you should've come to me about it but instead you run off and get cozy with the next woman."

"I'm sorry." Was all he said.

"Me too, Aaron." I said as I brushed pass him with my duffle bag in tow. He followed behind me.

"At least let me take you home." He pleaded.


The ride back to my apartment was uncomfortable and felt longer than usual. I just stared out of the window, numb and unsure of how to feel. I thought about the first day we'd met each other up until this point. A blind man could've seen that we were drifting but I guess neither of were willing to open our eyes or at least we pretended that we weren't. A huge part of our façade had to do with our parents. We had been feigning happiness for so long just to keep a smile on their faces. In a way I'm actually happy that we finally realized that we weren't going to work but another part of me felt a little hurt. I truly loved Aaron at some point and I knew he felt the same way. As we pulled up to my driveway and I got out, we simply exchanged our goodbyes and wished each other well.

Atleast that chapter of my life was closed.

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