Chapter 21

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4 days later...

I hadn't spoken to Lance since that Saturday. We had texted each other a few times but that was about it. I wasn't trying to be petty or anything but I really needed for him to seriously think about what Ms. Loretta and I were trying to get through to him. I found it crazy that he somehow thought he could control his fate while being in the streets. He may not be out looking for trouble but the possibility still existed that trouble could always find him. As much as his mom and I cared for him unless he cared for himself then all we can do is keep talking to him and hope for the best. He was a good man but he could be hardheaded at times. I did miss him though especially since I was supposed to be heading back to campus on Sunday. Well, my apartment, since I moved off campus after I completed my freshman year.

Knowing that Lance would be stubborn I decided to reach out to him. We needed to hang out before I left and since Tésia was over here I thought it would be a good time for her to finally have her little interview. It was a little after 3 so I decided to call him hoping that he'd pick up since he was usually busy around this time. Being one not to disappoint, he answered on the fourth ring.

"What's good?"

"Hey, it's been a minute. I miss you."I said genuinely.

He chuckled, "I miss you too but you been trippin."

I sighed, "I know Lance but I can't help it if I want what's best for you."

"I thought I already got what's best for me though."

"And what would that be?" I asker.

"You." I could tell he was smiling on the other end of the phone. I blushed so hard I wasn't sure I had cheeks left at that point.

"So what are you up to?" I asked.

"Nothing, bout to head home. Started grindin early today."

"Oh okay. You wanna come over? Me, Tésia and Avery here chlling. Plus Té said she wanna interview you."

He chuckled," Interview me for what?"

"She wants to make sure you're  boyfriend material."

"Aight, I'ma come through in a minute."

After exchanging our goodbyes I hung up and informed Tésia that Lance would be coming. Avery ofcourse was elated once she heard that. I'm just hoping she actually gives us some time to actually talk to him. About twenty-five minutes later I heard a car pull up and shortly after there was a knock at the door. As I got up to answer the door, Avery abandoned whatever game she and Té were playing and ran pass me, swinging the door open.

"LC!" She squealed as she leapt on him, hugging him around the neck.

"Hey princess." He said giving her a peck on the cheek.

"I missed you!"

"It's been a minute huh? Aunty Mia is going back to school soon though so we'll have fun when she's gone." He said causing her to cheer.

"Can we please get go frozen yogurt?" She pleaded.

He chuckled, "If that's cool with your Aunty."

She shot me the most innocent look, I had no choice but to say yes. As she ran off to grab her shoes I took the opportunity to greet my man.

"Hey babe."I said, wrapping my arms around his waist and planting a kiss on his lips. He reciprocated as his hands found their way to the small of my back. However, we were interrupted by Té clearing her throat and Avery tugging on Lance's pants.

"Hey Tésia." He said acknowledging her presence. She wasn't able to respond as Avery grabbed his hand and excitedly hauled him towards the door. Té and I lounged in the living room and talked, waiting for the two to return.

"So Avery ditched us just like that huh?" She asked while chuckling.

"Girl, that child has been smitten with Lance ever since she met him. Somedays I'm not even sure he's my man."

We both laughed at that. Just then the two waltzed into the apartment, Avery giggling uncontrollably.

"Hey, what did you do to my niece?" I asked jokingly.

The two looked at each other. "Why she tryin to get in on our joke though?" He asked.

"I don't know LC." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Teetee be nosy like that."

The two continued to talk and laugh like no one else was there until Lance sent her to her room to play. She happily obliged and Té wasted no time grilling him as he sat down beside me. She asked him question after question, you would think he was on trial for something. She also threatened to stab him if he broke my heart. That's Tésia, crazy as ever.

"Soo you're twenty-three and not in school nor the corporate world so what exactly do you do?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

He smirked at her and I held my breath awaiting his response.

"I'm a distributor and an aspiring architect/artist." He said casually. However, the look on Té's let me know she knew exactly what he meant and I could tell she wasn't pleased. I sighed knowing that I wouldn't hear the end of it once he left. After that question she asked him nothing else so he got up and went to hang out with Avery. The entire time Té just sat across from me, giving me a disapproving look.

Lance left about an hour later and she wasted no time letting me have it.

"Mia, a drug dealer? Seriously though?"

I rolled my ears at her, "What ever happened to you can tell your mind what to think but you can't tell your heart what to feel? I asked mocking the little speech she gave me when I first told her I was interested in Lance.

"THAT WAS BEFORE I KNEW HE WAS INTO DRUGS! Are you crazy? I don't want you to get caught up with all that!" She was hysterical now.

I just sat there. I had no idea how to respond. I wasn't about to act like I was proud of what Lance did but I wasn't about to bash him either. I was hopeful that he'd do better. I guess part of that was because I cared for him so deeply and I didn't want to let him go. I guess Té sensed that I was done with the conversation because she just got up, shaking her head in disappointment and left.


Happy 4th of July to my American readers! Happy Wednesday to the rest of you guys.

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