Chapter 23

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It was around 10:30p.m when we wrapped up our date in his studio. Everything was perfect and I didn't want the night to end. As always, Lance seemed to read my mind. After doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen he informed me that we were going for a drive. It took us about 30 minutes to get to our destination. Stepping out of the vehicle, I realized that we were at a lake. The atmosphere was relaxing, the only noise that could be heard was the faint chirping of crickets. The moon shone brightly, illuminating the water.

"Why'd you bring me here?"I asked as Lance wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Just thought we'd come chill for a minute. My dad use to bring me and Landon here when we were growing up." He said solemnly as he inched backwards so that we could sit on the hood of his car.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said sincerely.

"I'm gon miss you too." He said as he placed soft kisses on my neck. I just sat there, savoring the moment.

We spent about an hour by the lake chilling in each others arms before I started yawning consitently which prompted Lance to drive us home. Once we were back at his house we decided that we'd take quick showers. I showered first so I was alone in the room while Lance did his thing. While I was looking for one of his shirts to sleep in my phone began to ring. It was my mother. I thought about ignoring her but it was strange that she was calling me this late so I answered.

"Hey mom." I answered cautiously.

"Hey sweetie. How are you? It's been a while since I've seen or heard from you." She said calmly.

"I'm... I've been good." I stuttered.

"Hmm that's good. Well, I know it's late so I'll get straight to the point."

"I understand it's summer so I let you have a little fun by staying with that sister of yours but the semester is about to start so I suggest you start acting like you have some sense, especially if you want your tuition paid. I also heard that you broke up with Aaron." She continued, her voice now laced with venom.

"Aaron and I...," I started to explain but was cut off.

"I know about that new boyfriend of yours. Mr. Lance Khaliyl Carter, born February 2nd, age 23, drug dealer."

I swallowed hard.

"Now I suggest you break up whatever it is you two have going on, unless you want him to catch a case."

My stomach dropped as I knew exactly what she meant by that.

"Mom...,"I tried to reason with her but was cut off as she hung up the phone.

I moved around the room dazed as I finally found a shirt to sleep in and tried to make myself comfortable in Lance's bed. I laid there, staring at the ceiling as I replayed my mother's ultimatum in my mind. However, I was jolted from my thoughts as Lance got under the covers with me, concern written all over his face.

"Babe, you aight?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I lied.

"You sure?" He looked at me skeptically.

I nodded yes.

"Aight, get some rest then." He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I nestled in his chest, squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that sleep would overtake me. My prayers went unanswered. I spent the night listening to Lance's heartbeat, willing the time slow down as I knew what I had to do once the morning came around. That wish was also unfulfilled as morning came way too quickly.

As I felt Lance stirring awake, I quickly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep since I wasn't ready to face him. I felt him gently ease his arms from under me and planted a kiss on my forehead before getting out of bed and leaving the room. Once he was gone, I rolled over to check the time on my phone. 9:00a.m. I noticed that there were two unread text messages.


7:30a.m. I'll be picking you up at 10. Be ready ;)

7:32 a.m. PS: I know you're in Rosewood by that hoodlum. See you soon darling.

A chill ran down my spine just reading the messages. I was a ball of conflicting emotions as I forced myself to get out of bed to brush my teeth and take a shower. I purposely took a 45 minute shower, not wanting to the face the world but I knew there was no escaping it. Once I was out of the shower and dressed I started packing my clothes and whatever else I had in Lance's room into my overnight bag. After completing that task I was about to make the bed when he entered the room.

"Morning babe, I made us some breakfast."

"I'm not hungry." I muttered without looking at him.

I guess that response wasn't good enough for him as he placed the plates on the night stand and made his way over to me. He lifted my chin, gazing into my eyes.

"You sick? You sure you aight?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm... okay."I said getting choked up as the tears began to fall.

He pulled me into his chest and held me tightly

"Mia, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me." He said now rubbing my back causing me to cry harder.

It took me almost 15 minutes before I was able to calm down.

"We have to break up." I said.

He released me from his embrace.

"What? You playin' with me right?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm not. We can't be together anymore." I said avoiding his gaze.

"This is crazy. What did I do?"  Confusion marred his handsome features.

I didn't respond to him. I grabbed my bag and proceeded to exit the room once I realized it was now 10:00. Lance followed behind me.

"Mia, this doesn't make sense. We were fine just last night." He reasoned. I reached his living room and swung open the front door. As if on cue, there was car parked at the end of the driveway and my heart stopped once I realized who it was.

Aaron rolled down his window and smirked as Lance and I appeared in full view.

"Hell nah, so this is why we can't be together no more huh." He said while pointing at Aaron.

"You foul for real bruh. All this time I was the side piece." He chuckled sarcastically.

"You no different than these hoes I use to mess with bruh. I shoulda smashed and passed you on like the homies asked me to." He said coldly sending a shiver down my spine. I had never since him like this.

He laughed again," Man I never stepped to my homies over no girl but I felt like I needed to defend you. I thought you were different. Guess I was wrong."

"Lance..." I tried to reason as the dam in my eyes broke.

"Shut up A'mia. I ain't tryin hear nothing you gotta say to me. Just get the hell out my yard man, for real." He said as he turned and went back inside, leaving me all alone.

As I made my way to Aaron's car, he feigned politeness, grabbing my bag and opening the passenger door for me. As we drove along I could care less that I was in his presence, I was now bawling openly as my heart ached.

Being true to himself, Aaron couldn't let a sleeping dog lie.

"I couldn't blame you for wanting us to take a break Mia. I agree we needed some space but that," He said referring to Lance

"That was low of you girl. A thug? Seriously? You could've atleast upgraded."

Any other time I probably would've grabbed Aaron by the throat but at that moment all I wanted to do was disappear.

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