Chapter 4

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It had been two weeks since my mother sent me to Walmart and since I had last seen Lance. For some reason, this morning after I did my usual routine (say my prayers, brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed and have breakfast) he waltzed across my mind. Perhaps it was because my mother informed me not too long ago that she'd be sending me grocery shopping once again, WITHOUT THE CAR. I was quite pissed since the temperature mirrored that of the previous two weeks but this time I kept my attitude to myself as I was kind of hoping to run into Lance again. He was so easy to talk to.

"A'mia make sure you get EVERYTHING on that list! The last time you forgot four of the items I know for sure were listed." She scolded.

"Dang, how many hands you think I got? I barely made it home the last time." I muttered under my breath.

"What you say?" She asked.

"Nothing ma, I'm about to leave the house right now. Bye"

I laced up my all white air force 1s and I was out the door. Ten minutes later I arrived at the bus stop. This time I wasn't so lucky, I had to wait almost twenty minutes for the bus to come all while fending off somebody's grandfather who kept flashing me his toothless smile. Once I finally boarded the bus I took my usual seat near the window and put on my headphones. I then proceeded to blast Erphaan Alves' song Overdue. It was one of the few soca songs that I knew, thanks to my Trinidadian trackmate. Once she introduced me to the song last semester I was hooked.

You gimme something I need yeah,
Gimme something I plead yeah,
You gimme something I crave, oh I really need you too.

I sank into my seat as usual as I allowed the music to permeate my soul and transport me to another place, that is, until the bus got to Walmart. It took about thirty minutes or less this time around, considering that my mother's list was a lot shorter. After completing my assigned task for the day I made my way down to the bus stop. Ten minutes later the bus arrived and I embarked on my journey as per usual. The bus gradually slowed down as it was coming to a stop where I accidentally got off the last time. This time I intentionally thought of getting off, in the hope of running into Lance again. Internally, I laughed at myself as thought about how I was yearning like a crack addict.

I had about five minutes to decide what my next move would be, remain seated or get off here and regret having to walk through Rosewood. I decided on the former, I stayed put and kept my black behind glued to the seat. If it was meant for me to see him again then fate would work her magic. No sooner did the bus drive off it came to a stop again, this time at the intersection of Rosewood and West Point, much closer to my home.

As I made my way off the bus, there was no denying that I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see Lance. Not that I needed his help with my bags this time I just wanted to bask in his company for a while. Just as I was about to put on some music I could've sworn I heard someone call my name.

"Hey! A'mia. Wait up!" Although we would've met just two weeks ago I could pick out that voice from any crowd.

I slowed down, looking back to find Lance trying his hardest to catch up with me. I tried my hardest to hide my delight.

"Hey Lance." I said.

"How you been? Haven't seen you in a minute. I was beginning to think ya'll got a life time supply of groceries up in that house of yours."

I had no choice but to flash him a smile and throw in a laugh at this point. I was genuinely amused by his little joke.

"Very funny. I been good you know, just chilling." I said recovering from my laughter.

"Oh, aight."

"A'mia I'ma be straight up with you since I'm not one for unnecessary small talk. I wanna get to know you more and I know that's not gon happen if I keep hoping you go to the store and get off at the wrong stop everytime. I hope I'm not being too forward but I tell it like it is." He said sincerely as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a bandanna while simultaneously licking his lips. I knew he did it for moisturizing purposes but once again I found myself a bit mesmerized.

"Uhm I have a boyfriend." I said as I gathered my thoughts.

I proceeded," Plus I know your kind."

He chuckled, "And what exactly is my kind A'mia?"

"I think you should get to know me first before making such a statement and besides I'm cool with just being your friend. I'ma respect you and homeboy's lil relationship, no doubt."

I smirked," So your telling me your not one of those dudes that chill on the block all day, sell drugs, got a million women sweating you and blowing up your phone 24/7?"

"That's precisely what I'm telling you." His eyes pricked my soul as his gaze was unwavering.

"Look I'm not gonna force it if you don't wanna get to know me or be friends that's cool, that's your right and I respect that." He continued.

"However, if you do want us to be friends I'ma give you my number and you hit me up whenever you're ready." He proceeded to hand me a yellow sticky note with his number written on it. I took it and stuffed it in my pocket.

"Have a good rest of the day." He said as he turned and started to walk away. I too continued my journey home.

"Oh! By the way." He called out behind me.

"You look nice today, just like you did two weeks ago."He flashed his smile and jogged back down the block, leaving me standing there with my cheeks beet red and in pain from blushing so hard. His compliment inj

Today I sported a pair of black Adidas sweatpants and a black and white Adidas shirt. My lace front wig with the burgundy highlights was pulled back into a ponytail and my face was bare. All I rocked was a little cherry chapstick. However, my simple ensemble must've been enough to complement my 5'6", slender yet healthy physique. Due to years of running track my arms and legs were well toned and I developed a nice, ample behind. Much like Aaron my skin mirrored the shade of caramel. I wasn't one to be arrogant or anything but I knew I was cute. However, hearing it from Lance shot my confidence through the roof.

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