Chapter 17

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I was happy when I finally got into the apartment and found that my sister had already gone to bed. Not that I didn't want to share the details of the night I'd had with her but because I wanted to savor the moment and let it marinate in my mind before I told anyone else. Honestly, I had no plans for my night to end the way it did. I had no idea what came over me but everything about Lance and the time we'd spent was mesmerizing. His lips felt like cotton on my hand and my curiosity of how they would've felt pressed against mine nurtured my audacious move. It was the best kiss I'd ever had.

My reverie was broken up by the sound of Ayisha and Avery's voices. We picked her up from her dad's house on our way from church.

"So how was your date with Mr. Lance last night?" Ayisha asked.

Before I was even able to formulate my response Avery chimed in, looking up at me curiously.

"Aunty Mia, who is Lance?"

I chuckled. "This child is way too inquisitive." I whispered to myself.

"LC's correct name is Lance."

She covered her mouth and had a dramatic, shocked expression on her face. My sister and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. This child was way too much.

"LC is back and you didn't tell me? What about my tea party?" She asked, disappointment evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry baby girl. How about I call him and you ask him yourself?"

"Okay!" She said, perking up and bouncing around excitedly in her spot.

Once I fished my phone out of my clutch I opted to video call Lance. On the fourth ring I realized that the video was connecting. Once connected I was greeted by that gorgeous smile of his.

"Hey Mia. Wassup?"

"Not much. We just got back from church and Avery wanted to talk to you."

"Oh aight. Give my lil homie the phone then."

Avery eagerly snatched the phone from my hands once she heard that.

"LC!" She squealed.

" Hey princess. Wassup?"

"Can you please come over so we can play tea party? Pretty please. " She batted her eyelashes as she begged.

He chuckled," Tea party huh? Who else is invited?"

"Just me, you, AC and maybe Aunty Mia."

He was openly laughing now. " Aight. I can't come right now though. How does 5:00 sound?"

"Yay!" She exclaimed while jumping up and down.

She didn't wait for him to respond after that as she shoved the phone back into my hands and took off running excitedly to her room. She was probably getting out her tea set to prepare for her little play date.

"You're spoiling that girl." I teased.

"You just mad that you ain't invited, that's all."

I laughed," Whatever Lance. We bout to sit down for lunch so I'll see you later."

"Aight. Later." He said before I ended the call.

Much of our lunch was eaten in perfect silence.

I wished!

Avery talked nonstop about how much fun she and Lance were going to have that afternoon and of course she didn't hesitate to remind me that she liked him more than Aaron. I couldn't blame her though, she would've never gotten Aaron to come over and play with her, especially tea party. He never really took a liking to kids, part of the reason I chalked it up to him being an only child so he never got the younger sibling or uncle experience. I was surprised when he first met Avery and they seemed to click, not on the same level she clicked with Lance though.

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