When You Get Kidnapped || Feat. Tom Holland

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A/N: Please listen to me. This is a really dark chapter. I didn't initially intend for it to be so but the more I wrote, the more it evolved. The message it contains is that no matter how dark things become, there is always a reason to live. A reason to remain breathing. But it does start with the darkness. It had to. The ending is the reason not to give up. I needed to type this message, as I didn't want anyone to be triggered. You don't deserve that. You deserve to be happy. Remember that. You matter. So please, don't read this if you are easily affected. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. You don't. You deserve to tell someone what is wrong. You deserve to be listened to, understood and helped. You are truly amazing.


Your captors were certainly possessed a backpfeifengesicht. You hoped that someone would capture one day discover the truth and deliver a slap across their face. You almost smiled at the possibility of your desire becoming a reality.

In hind sight, your argument could have easily been avoided and perhaps, you wouldn't have ended up in such a fearful predicament.

If he hadn't have been so harsh with his words and you, so quick-tempered then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have stormed out of the apartment, right into the hands of those who had been observing you for months.

They had only wanted you for two reasons and for two reasons only, Tom was rich and he loved you. If they had you in their possession, then they had access to a large sum of money in the young actor's bank account.

As one of the hellions exited the room, you gazed upon the table, eyes focused on the delicate violet pattern on your dress. An omen of bad luck, you noted mentally. A fairly pointless piece of knowledge to have but it brought you some comfort, despite your dire situation.

The outfit you wore caused you to have a nostalgic recollection of times when you had adorned it to participate in sobremesa with Tom. You remember the pleasant times when you and your boyfriend had sat and talked after consuming a delicious meal, just talking and enjoying each others company.

As you breathed against your uncomfortable gag, you experienced a dizzying wave of hiraeth- you longed for your home. Closing your eyes, you envisaged the worried gazes of those who loved you when you failed to return home.

The fiends were asking for an astonishing amount of money, an amount even you knew Tom did not have access to.

You also felt the unmistakable ache of fernweh, for your biggest regret was that you had not travelled enough in life. It was a longing that had stayed with you for years but sadly, you had never stepped out of the place you had been born and raised in.

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