54: Happy endings...

Start from the beginning

Other then that, she looked even more beautiful! Well for Soarin atleast, to the others she was just same old lookin'.

She opened her eyes and looked at the dumbfounded faces. "Uhhhh, what are you guys staring at?" She asked confused.

"DASH! They all shouted and went to hug her. "Whoa! Uh, did I miss something?" She asked chuckling.

"Oh sugarcbe we were so worried" Applejack said and wiped away a tear that finnaly came out.

"You realy had us all worried! We thought we lost you again" Rarity said with a sneeze.

"Yea, we thought you were dead" Lightning said with a greatful sigh. "Whoa! You actualy cried when you thought I was dead?" Dash said hardly to believe it.

They hugged her again in another bone crushing way.

"Seriously! What happened?" Dash asked confused and then she was spun around and was met with the lips of Soarin skies. She was surprised but slowly melted away to it.

They pulled away after a minute and Soarin stroked her cheek. "Don't ever do that again please. Ever" he said frowning. Dash giggled but then just nodded. "Wooo weee! What next?" Applejack asked beaming. "OH! This calls for a 'We saves the world' party!" Surprise squeeled. They all yayed. Then they turned around and noticed for the first time a magnificent red tree stood there. It covered the statues of the villains and stood there looking mysterious.

It was red. The leaves were red, the trunks were red, everything about it was red. But there, carved on its center, was Silverdoe's cutie mark and initials.

"Thank you Headmaster Silverdoe, for everything" They all whispered before one by one giving it a kiss and then leaving to go home.

"Forgive me my headmaster. I am so sorry" Lightning whispered.

"Hey Soarin?" Dash called to her colt and he faced her. "Yes Dashie?"

"I love you too" She said.

************One year later.....

An entire year has passed. Bloors academy has expanded its spaces, the new headmaster was Shinning armour, and Dash now shares a room with Soarin.

Apparently after what happened last year, Soarin has been thinking. He wants to spend every momment with Dash. And to never leave her side. So he decided to give her a very big surprise.

There was a party that will celebrate their one year anniversary and all their friends would be there.

Surprise and her coltfriend Cheese were just finnishing up the last few touches to the Garden where the party would be held. Spitfire, her fiance Wave chill, Fleetfoot and her coltfriend Rapidfire, plus the Flash twins were rehearsing and perfecting some speacial moves that they would prform to help Soarin's big surprise for Dash.

"Ok I think we got it!" Spitfire said proudly. They were all wearing their wonderbolt uniforms.

Starlight levitated some of the barrols of the Apple cider Dash loved so much and prepared the drinks.

She took a sip and smack her lips. "Tasty no wonder Dash loves this so much"She said with a sigh.

Soarin was putting on his navy blue suit and took out a red box which contained a very special jewelry.

"Ok Soarin! You got this" He said trying to make himself more confident. But everyone can tell from the look on his face he was realy realy nervous.

Meanwhile Lightning dust was having a realy difficult time with Dash. She has been trying to keep Dash in her room (Lightning Dust's room) for a few more minutes until the time has come for her to go outside. She was now trying to get her to read a Daring do book. Daring do and the Hidden King which Dash had unfortunately already read. Twenty million times so far.

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