Chapter 2

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(Liam's POV)

Oh shit. We left Suzaine in the van. The doors each had a child's lock on them so she couldn't get out. Did I forget to mention that it's the middle of summer and we are currently in a huge heat wave? Everyone was still frozen in place.

"GUYS WHERE THE HELL IS SUZAINE?!" Ciara screams at us.

"In the van." I whisper. Her face pales.

"LET'S GO! UNTIE ME! WE NEED TO GET HER NOW!" Ciara yells, making us all snap out of our trances. Harry races over to her and starts to untie her hands and feet while the rest of the boys and I ran out to the van.

I throw open the door, only to reveal an unconscious Suzaine. Oh no.

(Ciara's POV)

Harry was untying me rather quickly. But not quick enough.

"Hurry up! She could be dying!" I yell at him.

"Calm down woman! She will be fine! Hopefully..." He says, mumbling the last part. Finally the ropes are untied and I get up and sprint to the door.

I see Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis crowded around something laying down in the grass. No. No no no. She can't be dead. She was the only thing that kept me from leaving all those years ago. She can't just be gone.

I calmly walk over to her and bend down so that I can check her pulse. It is faint, but it is there.

"We have to go to the hospital now. Right now." I say. They all nod their heads and start to pick her up and bring her to the van.

"Maybe you should stay here, Ciara..." Harry says.

"And why would I do that Mr. Styles? I will not leave my sister alone with you guys." I say.

"Cos what if someone reconizes you? Then we would be screwed. So I'm pretty sure everyone would agree with me. Right guys?" He says.

"Yeah, Ciara, he's right. Now you can go in there like a good girl or we can drag you in kicking and screaming. But that would just mean it would take longer to get Suzaine to the hospital." Liam says. Harry just looks at me with a smirk.

Instead of replying, I just swiftly walk inside. I turn around to make some sort of sarcastic remark, but I was greeted by the click of the lock sliding into place. Oh great. Now I'm stuck in here for hours.  What the hell do they expect me to do? I look around the kitchen. Right above the sink is a window. Yes! Maybe I can plan an escape... But I can't leave Suzaine with these people... they are crazy. I'll just have to wait till Suzaine is out of the hostpital and then we can escape together. But now I just need to find a way out....

(Niall's POV)

"Ok guys, let's go. Niall, did you lock the front door?" Liam asks. I nod. We pick up Suzaine and get her in the car.

"Zayn, hold Suzaine while I drive please." Harry asks.

"Ok." Zayn answers. We are all worried. What if she didn't make it? It would be all our faults. But mostly mine. I am supposed to be looking after her. We didn't know that Ciara had a sister. It was only supposed to be Ciara. I know that the other guys aren't blaming me but they should be.

Louis was oddly quiet for once...

"Guys... what if she dies?" Louis whispers.

"She won't die Lou. She can't." Liam says with determination, looking straight ahead.

"Zayn, check her pulse again. Prove to him she won't die." Harry says. Zayn's finger touches her neck. He shakes his head in disbelief, staring at Suzaine's body.

"Her pulse isn't there. She's gone." He murmurs.


(AUTHORS NOTE {which is definetly better than an editors note. jk})

hehe sorry for the cliffhanger..... oh well.

My doggie is licking the door... that could be a problem. Anywhoo, please vote and comment. It legit makes my day. :)

yours truly,

~Nikki xxx


Anyway! Hellur. Legit, this story is booming. Keep it up!

Also, Nikki and I need a good date that falls within September 1st- December 31st. (Psst... it's our friendship beginning anniversary... and we don't remember the day we started being friends so... dates please!)

I barely made it to edit this today. Be happy :3

--RainKat[Cooler than Nikki]{No JK's.}(Noooo, JK JK JK!)

Kidnapped, By One Direction?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora