Chapter 14

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*Ciara's POV* 

I walk out to the hallway, where I knew the boys were waiting for me. They all stare at me when I come out and shut my door behind me. I had decided for a last-minute change into a pair of bermuda neon shorts and denim jacket with the original crop top, because I realized my scars would show if I had kept on what I had.

"Showy, much?" Harry snorts softly. My jaw drops as Liam smacks Harry in the head. 

"You look like quite the fashionista." Zayn says as he walks over to me, looking me up and down twice. 

"Yes, because only Zayn would know the current women's fashion trends," Louis scoffs, making me giggle.

"Well, I'll have you know, I was on the cover of Seventeen, and I actually read the issue we were in. Neon and cropped fashions are very in at the moment." Zayn says matter-of-factly, smirking down at me. Harry snorts again, and I send him a glare. 

"Got a problem with my outfit, pretty boy? Go cry about it somewhere else," I smirk at him, looking at the other boys, "'cause we've got a tour to kick off." 

The other boys whoop loudly as Harry bows his head. 

"Let's get a move on, you guys." Liam chimes, corraling us onto the elevator to get downstairs. I stand next to Niall, resting my head on his arm. 

"Sorry for yelling at you earlier." I whisper as we walk out of the lobby and to a shiny black limo.

"Sorry about seeing you earlier." He whispers back, smirking a little. I give him a quick punch while I know Harry is watching.

"Violence isn't the answer, you guys!" Louis chastises us, waggling his pointer finger in our faces.

"Yes, but that saying usually fails to prevent anything." I chuckle, smacking Louis's finger out of the way.

"Like your dad's condom..." Harry says loud enough for everyone to hear. The boys gape at him, then look over at me. I sit there, my heart thumping. Do I tell them about the mistake I really was...?

"Harry, what the hell is your deal? You can't go on a tour with that attitude." Liam makes a face as he speaks, as if he really is speaking to his own son.

Harry goes silent then, and we eventually pull to a stop.

"Come on lads and gal! Let's go do this thing!" Zayn calls as we hop into the backstage of the stadium.

~~Hour later~~

"Alright, let's do some warm ups." Liam announces, grabbing Louis's hand. "Everyone join hands and form a circle." 

I walk forward, and I grab the hands that are closest to me and that are still empty. 

Niall and Harry.


Harry's hand is warm and soft, but stiff and tense. Niall's is warm and soft as well, but more relaxed. 

"Alright, now everyone close their eyes, I'm going to squeeze Louis's hand and he's going to squeeze Zayn's, and we will do it through this circle." Liam interrupts my thoughts. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply. Focus...focus.. 

Niall's hand quickly clamps down on mine, and I pass it on as fast as I can to Harry, which is hard to do because his hands are really stiff.

Why can't I just have a simple relationship without screwing everything up?

~~4 hours later~~

"It was amazing to have this experience, because this was my first ever show!" I call into my microphone as the crowd erupts with screams and clapping again. 

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