Chapter 13

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****One week later****

So here I am. At an airport, ready to go to our first show of the Take Me Home North American tour. Over the last week, Harry has kept his distance, and Niall continously got closer to me. I have been so comfortable with Niall and the rest of the boys lately in fact, that I've even joined in some interviews with them.

Some call me 'One Direction's Main Babe' or, just like Liam said, Mommy Direction. My closeness to Niall is obviously under speculation- and I'm glad I'm using a fake name for it all. Copeland Taylor is the perfect cover name for me, and Copiall has been a trending topic on Twitter for nearly two months straight.

Our first show starts in about six hours, so we have enough time to find our hotel and screw around in the city. 

Except, what better way to kill time when waiting for our luggage by playing Tag in the private terminal?

"Copie! Stop!!!" Zayn whines when I tag him for the third time.

"Then stop being slow!" I giggle, chasing after Louis as he runs into the guy's bathrooms. I screech to a hault right at the door, rolling my eyes. 

"You can't live in there, Lou! There's not enough toilet paper in there to stave off starvation!" I call, knocking lightly on the swinging door.

"I will live wherever I must in order to stay away from the evil tagging monster!" Louis shouts back, and I chuckle, backing off from the door and looking at the other three scurrying about. I look over at Harry, who sits in one of those thinly padded waiting seats staring down at the ground. I know that his comfort levels have swiftly dropped over the last week, and I'm beginning to worry about him.

Especially his mental state.

I put him through so much in such a little amount of time- it makes me feel like I was to blame for, well, everything.

But then again, it is kind of Zayn's fault I got in this whole mess in the first place, and then thinking again, it isn't a bad thing. I traded my old life- and my sisters'- for a whole new one. It makes me feel like I used my sister when she died to gain something.

And let me tell you, it is the worst feeling in the world.

**Zayn's POV** 

Our limo arrives and we begin to drive through the streets of LA. It is so awesome to see all this over again. The first time I saw it, I was amazed. But now, seeing it again- it makes me happy to know that I'm back for a second time, and I have so much to live for.

But when I look at Harry and his gloomy face, I get kinda bummed out. I mean, who the hell likes a party pooper? I really hope he doesn't screw the tour up by pulling some BS excuse not to sing with Ciara.

**Niall's POV**

When we get to the hotel, the first thing I do is blurt out, "Will Ciara be sharing a room with us?" 

Everyone looks at me with surprise written on their faces, but I know, inside, they are all sighing in relief that it wasn't them that had to pop the question.

"I mean, you're a great person, love, and I would be ever so happy to share a room with a gal like you, but... it'd be incredibly awkward..." I blubber, my face red as Ciara stares me down.

"My room is linked to yours." She replies, looking at her sparkly silver pumps she must be dying to kick off. 

"How come she gets her own bathroom?!" Liam pouts. "Zayn takes too long to style his hair and Niall takes showers for like two hours."

"Well suck it up and deal, lad." Louis says. 

We all pile out of the limo and grab our things, heading up to our suites. Ciara walks into a door further down the hall from ours, and I sigh. I really like her being with us. I wish she could stay with us and be part of our band.

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