Chapter 9

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Hi guys! Kept the promise of updating. :) Hope you like this one!!!


*Ciara’s POV*

                Not much is said after that. Harry guides me home wordlessly. His shoulders tense up as I brush past him to get to my room, where I stay chipping my nail polish as he tells the guys the news. Liam comes in, nods to me, and he walks behind me as I make my way out to the van. I sit in the front, alone, while Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Harry cram in the back. Louis revs the engine, and I’m homebound.

                Louis turns the radio up loudly. Out of the blue, ‘A Thousand Miles’, one of my favorite songs, begins to play. I look at the radio, then at my toes, and then I begin to sing along.

Makin’ my way downtown

Walkin’ fast, faces pass and I’m homebound

Starin’ blankly ahead

Just makin’ a way

Makin’ my way through the crowd

The boys stop whispering and look over at me, as I smile to myself and continue.

And I need you

And I miss you

And now I wonder…

If I could fall

Into the sky

Do you think time

Would pass me by?

‘Cause you know I’d walk

A thousand miles

if I could

 just see you


At that point Harry has reached forward, slamming down on the radio and the music cuts off into dead silence. I can’t help but whimper, closing my eyes so no one sees the tears, even though they’re already streaming down my face.

And then I whisper the rest to myself.

It’s always times like these

I think of you

And I wonder if you

Think of me

‘Cause everything’s so wrong

And I don’t belong

Livin’ in your precious memories…

Niall starts to sniff. I grab the tissue box from the dash board and throw it back at the four. There is a big scuffle, and then the tissue box hits Louis’s head. His face goes rose red and he slams down on the gas, tires squealing.

I jerk forward and slam my head on the dash, wincing in pain and feeling blood well up just above my eyebrow. “Damn.” I whisper to myself, grabbing the tissue box and pressing multiple tissues to the wound.

“You okay?” Louis asks dryly, glaring at the boys through the rearview.

“Fine,” I mumble. My apartment building suddenly appears, and we park. I shake my head as Louis offers me a hug.

I climb out, walking slowly, letting my feet shuffle and I hit the sidewalk leading up to the main doors. I kick beside a crushed Pepsi can and sit on the sidewalk. I stare as the van drives out of the parking lot, and tears begin to flow again. I can’t do this anymore.

I trudge up the stairs to my apartment, where I find everything the way it had been when I was taken. I walk to my room, my gaze scanning the same organized mess I’d left it in. I stare at my clothes, and then take everything off. I put on a black tank top and matching jeans, stepping into my worn combat boots. I don’t feel like being the happy old me who loves blues and greens. It doesn’t fit me anymore.

I walk out into the hallway, staring at myself in the mirror. Look at me, all pretty. I don’t deserve this. Such a pretty face…

My eyes go dark and I grab my iPod. I plug it into my iHome as I enter the kitchen, and blast a song by Sleeping with Sirens, the most punk music I can find in a few seconds. I scream the lyrics, not caring if the neighbors complain to management. If I can’t sing in front of One Direction, I will sing to myself. "HERE THEY COME! THERE'S NOWHERE LEFT TO RUN!"

My lungs begin to burn, and my mouth is dry. I open the fridge, and stare at the lonely contents: A moldy sandwich, a beer, and an orange. I grab the beer.

“DON’T TRY TO TAKE THIS FROM ME! NOOOOOOOOOWWW!” I scream the beginning of a Paramore song as loud as I can, sipping the beer rapidly.

I hear a knock on the door.

“Go the hell away!” I screech, bursting out in laughter as I down more of the beer.

“Ciara, it’s Li. I need to tell you something.” An innocent voice, recognizably Liam’s, calls through the flimsy wood door.

I sigh and call back, “You had three and a half weeks to say what you wanted to tell me. What’s so important that you need to talk to me again, less than an hour after you dumped me back in this craphole?”

The door creaks open, and I continue to down the beer. It tastes like cold metal, mixed with something spicy and enticing. I savor the alcohol as it pours down my dry throat.

Liam walks into the kitchen’s doorway, looking at me in surprise. “Ciara, what are you-“

“It’s Lightning, thanks. I’m not innocent enough for that name.” I slur, giggling.

“Lightning? Ciara, what are you drinking?!” He rushes towards me, grabbing the beer from my hand, his eyes scanning the label.

“Ciara…” Liam looks from the beer back to me continuously until Niall steps in.

“Oh, so you brought the whole pansy-ass club?” I ask, flopping onto a small foldable chair, recognizably Suzaine’s dinner chair.

“I said I’d come in five if you didn’t come back.” Niall says, looking from me to him and back. I smile crookedly, and I close my eyes for what seems like a second. And suddenly, déjà vu. A sharp blow pains my head. Everything goes black.



Anywhoo, for anyone who was wondering what songs were what...

A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton

Dead Walker Texas Ranger by Sleeping with Sirens (CAUTION: EXPLICIT)

Now by Paramore


~Nix and Mirkat

Kidnapped, By One Direction?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ