Chapter 29 Seven Months Later

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7 months later

Thanks to my father allowing Dakota to finish eleventh grade at home we were about to start our Senior year. It was going to prove to be challenging for Kota and Shawn with a one month old baby- but not impossible. To be honest, I didn’t expect her to be able to start considering what she went through.

Dakota and Shawn have a baby girl, Paisley Miles; she was nine pounds four ounces and eighteen inches long. I was there, I saw the whole thing! If my mother ever had any worries about me getting pregnant, she should have no worries now-ever. She will need to depend on River for grandchildren- it will never be me!

Kota’s parents spoil her rotten. From the moment they held her – they loved her. Shawn’s parents on the other hand are a different story. They were at the hospital when Paisley was born, and they have been kind to Kota, but there is no connection. A lot like with their own son. Shawn says it’s not that they are upset; they just really don’t seem to care at all.

Kota and I have been spending our free time planning their wedding. Yes, they are getting married next summer, right before college. Shawn asked her to marry him the day she had the baby. If it wasn’t the happiest day ever already, Shawn iced the cake.

Of course, I am her maid of honor and Dyson is Shawn’s best man. It kind of surprised me the Shawn didn’t ask his father, but seeing how he has never been there for Shawn for anything else, I suppose Shawn figured why his wedding?

Dyson and I are still together. Despite the minor things we go through from perfect strangers- we are closer than ever. I love him more now than I did a year ago. I honestly can’t imagine my life without him. Kota and Shawn now go through the same sort of things Dyson and I go through, but of course its not because of race, its because they are teen parents. I knew Kota was worried about her first day back. Honestly, I was too.

“What are you thinking about?” Dy grabbed my hand and kissed it- pulling me from my thoughts.

“You.” I said lamely and smiled.

“Really? I can make those dreams come true…just say the word!” Dy smiled but meant every word. 

“Maybe…just, maybe.” I laughed, I loved teasing him.

“I can’t believe this is our last year. We have so many things to look forward to.” I changed the subject as we pulled into the school.

I noticed Kota and Shawn standing by his jeep and waved. It was the habit of the seniors to meet in groups in the parking lot before school. They all walked in together as if they were kings and queens- I guess in a way they were- we are. The lower grades always seemed to have an unspoken respect for seniors or maybe it was jealousy- who knows.

“Hey you two.” I walked over to Kota. Dy leaned against the jeep and I leaned against him facing Shawn and Kota.

“How did it go this morning? Leaving baby girl and all?” Dy gave a sympathetic look towards Shawn.

“Only the hardest thing I have had to do so far…minus her first round of shots.” Kota almost chocked up thinking about it. I think we cried more than Paisley did! I shuddered thinking about it.

“Mrs. Frank is so happy to have some alone time with her though. It makes it a little easier knowing she is with her maw maw.” Shawn hugged Kota and tried to calm her visible nerves.

“Is everyone ready for our first day as seniors?” I smiled trying to cheer up Kota.

“It’s time to go isn’t it?” Kota pulled her cell out of her pocket and checked the time. “Let me call mom one more time before we go.

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