Chapter 2

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I sat on the grass in my back yard cussing my color guard flags. I have been out here for over an hour and haven’t landed that throw yet.

“Dinner’s ready,” My mom shut the kitchen window after letting me know; I had been able to smell the chicken frying for awhile now and my stomach was growling. I kicked the flag across the grass and cussed them one last time before walking in to wash up. “I am leaving you out here.”  Why can’t I get that throw?

“Wash up, foods on the table.”  Mom took her apron off and hung it on its hook. I rounded the corner and took the steps two at a time. Right before I closed the bathroom door I heard mom add, “Get your brother”

Mom could scream for River until her voice box broke and it wouldn’t do any good. River is into heavy metal music right now, and as far as he is concerned, if he is in his room it has to be blaring from his 12’ subwoofers at all times.

I washed my hands and face and quickly dried off. I threw the towel down the laundry shoot and walked into my room for a clean shirt.

Our house isn’t that spectacular, but my favorite part of our house:  the second floor belongs to just me and my brother. River and I have a great relationship, yes; he is one of my best friends. He is two years older than me, and is currently attending his first year of college. He is only home on the weekends, since he works third shift, he is usually asleep when he is here. So I don’t see him much anymore.

I knocked on his door, I have no idea why, and then turned the knob to open it. I am always afraid of what I am going to see. It’s not like I can ask if he is decent or would have any idea if he had a girl in his room.

Thank God he was sitting at his desk doing some kind of homework. His grass green eyes were always hidden by his black hair. I have always been so jealous of his eyes, he gets the beautiful green ones and I have silver ones…silver. No one else in this family has gray eyes, why do I?

I didn’t even attempt to scream over the scratching sound of an electric guitar, instead I used my hands and made the motions as if I was eating food. River nodded is recognition then turned back to his work.

I shut the door behind me. He may or may not show up for dinner, if he doesn’t mom will save him a plate on the stove.

I bounded down the steps and into the kitchen.

“Hey babe” My dad’s beard made my cheek itch and he always left a huge amount of spit on my face. I shuddered as I tried to wipe my face off without him noticing.

“Hey Dad how was work?”  The only thing missing on the table was silverware. I grabbed four forks and four knives.

“It’s over that’s all that matters” I laughed as dad settled down for his classic North Carolina meal. Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, dirty rice, and fried apples.

“Sweet tea or soda, pumpkin” Mom was pouring drinks by the fridge as I too settled in my seat.

“Tea, thanks ” My mouth began to water at the sight of all of the food across the table. Mom always made enough to feed a small army. Now that River was gone during the week we always had a huge amount of left -over’s.

“Bow your heads for Grace” Mom handed us our drinks and settled into her own chair.

“Thank you Father for this food we are about to eat, please bless it and sanctify it, for our bodies and health, in Jesus name we pray…Amen.”

It was the same prayer for every single meal we have ever eaten in my mother’s presence.  If mom wasn’t around none of us would pray… I wonder why?

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