Chapter 13

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 Dedication: Thank you so much for reading my story. I also want to urge people to check out her book, Don't Speak. I have really enjoyed this read and know you will too. As many of my fans know I believe in returning the favor and randomly pick fans and read one of their books. I leave comments and vote, I fan if I really like your work. This is my way of letting you know how much I appriciate you and what you mean to me! Love you all and thanks for reading {)i(}


I pulled the brush through my tangles one last time.  A T-shirt just wouldn’t do today. I plan on showing a little bit of what Dyson could have. Not that he will own me…well maybe he would.

“I haven’t seen you look this nice since Prom last year” Mom was sitting on the edge of my bed. She didn’t have to tell me that she had waited for these days since I had been born. She always loved the, very few and far between, girly moments we shared.

I turned to face her and get her reaction of the total package.

“Well…what do you think?”

Mom’s eyes glazed over and before I could blink, she was taking a picture. This is the reason why most of the pictures in our Family Photo Albums; had me and River with one eye opened and one closed, our mouths wide open or making faces, and the goofiest looks.

“Mom let me smile!” I said, knowing it would be better to give in to the picture. She says this is why she does it; River and I don’t think that every single daily activity deserves a picture…mom does! At least by giving in I won’t look constipated.

A real genuine smile crept its way across my face as I realized; this just may be a picture moment… a memory I will keep forever.  The first day of the rest of Dy and I’s history…ok, a little dramatic but you never know.

“You are a little early dear it’s only 15 ‘til four.” Mom took my pillow in her arms and sat cross legged on the bed.

I glimpsed at the clock on my night stand and sighed. Time seems to be creeping by; I’ve never been this anxious over anything; except yesterday, waiting for him to come and get me.

“Do you want to go get a glass of ice tea and sit on porch?” Mom said with a knowing smile on her face. I didn’t really want to. I would rather call Kota and pass the time by faster: talking about Dyson of course. But the look on my mom’s face told me clearly that it would hurt her feelings if I said no.

“Sure mom.” I said, turning one last time towards the mirror. I grabbed my lip gloss and small hair brush and slid it into my matching hand bag. As I walked pass the full body mirror on the door; the form fitting casual black dress fell perfectly. It was perfect for a movie or a night of dancing; and very rarely would you find me in a dress. As I noticed how long the black shoes made my legs look, I thought, maybe I should wear stuff like this more often.


The wind was barley blowing and the crickets where playing there nightly tune. It wasn’t cold but the night brought a slight chill to my bared skin. The porch swing barley swayed, powered by only one of my mom’s small feet.

“You really like him don’t you?” Mom asked as she took a sip of her iced tea.

I swallowed and nodded my head. “I really do mom…” I turned in the swing to face her “…he is” I paused to think of the right word, “…different or maybe unique” I finished as I wiped the sweat off the glass in my hand.

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