Chapter 28 The Road to Recovery

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“So you still haven’t talked to him?” Kota had a stack of papers and books on her bed two feet tall.

“No, to be perfectly honest- I don’t even know if I want to.” Kota glared at me then at Shawn.

“Lie!” Kota sneered.

I sat back and twirled around in circles in her computer chair. Random thoughts going through my mind.

“What do you think Shawn? Have you talked to Dyson lately?” Kota pulled out her pencils and a calculator. Cheater

“No, I haven’t. He has called a few times but I haven’t had a chance to really talk to him about anything other than you and the baby.”  Shawn handed Kota another pillow to put behind her back.

“Oh, thanks that does feel better.” Kota smiled, a real smile- it was so good to see her looking human again.

“But I think you need to talk to him. I understand why he did what he did; I just don’t understand why he thought he was doing the right thing. Even if the two of you do not get back together, you need to talk to him- for closure.” Shawn finished.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and sent Dy a text. I didn’t need them to tell me to talk to him, I was going to anyway, or maybe I did just needed to hear someone else say it. Either way, it didn’t take much convincing.

*Can we talk?*

*Yes, where?*

*My house?*


*I’ll be there in about twenty minutes??* I began to feel butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of being alone with him.

*I’ll be there.*

“He will be at my house in twenty minutes.” I sheepishly looked up at Kota and Shawn. Kota looked a little concerned, but didn’t say anything.

“Shawn told me what you did for us, Meadow.” I looked at her in pretend shock.

“Me?” I had to hold back a smile. “No, it was all Shawn!” I glanced at him as he leaned in and wrapped his arm around Kota.

“Girl, he tells me everything!”

I stood from the chair and grabbed my book bag off the foot of the bed.

“Oh really?” Kota looked at me as if I was the dumbest person alive.

“Well, yes!” She kissed him on his cheek and smiled at him.

“Did he tell you I saw him naked yesterday?” Shawn’s face dropped and turned red as a beet.

“What?” Kota had a playful tone to her voice.

“Is there something I should know you two?”

“Well, you probably already know this but- Shawn is a in the closet nudist!”  I busted out laughing at the look on Kota’s face.

“He is pretty hot too!” I finished as I walked towards the door.

“Love ya’ll. And next time I come over Shawn…I promise to text first!”

I heard their laughter as I shut the door behind me.

It was the best sound ever!


I pulled into my driveway and saw Dyson leaning against his car. His white t-shirt was tight against his built frame. His sunglasses hid his eyes and I hated that. I had the overwhelming urge to jump out of the car and hug him. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t forget seeing his arm around the girl in the mall, or his lips attached to Tiana’s face- even grinding on Blondie during the pep rally.

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