Chapter 20- A Birthday Surprise

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The only person I know in the world that hates their birthday is Kota Frank. Which I honestly can’t say that I blame her, after all, it is on Christmas Eve. Turning eighteen years old is an extremely, hugely significant deal. Every year we try to out do each other on gifts. This year I had the best plan ever, however, I had to get our parents to agree.

Since, it is December, and we can’t very well leave the State during Christmas, I am planning to talk our parents into allowing us a weekend trip, during Christmas break, to the mountains in Tennessee. Fingers crossed, and plenty of Hail Mary’s later, I am still not confident.

Dyson and I have been officially dating now for almost three months. Things with my parent’s haven’t changed, but neither has things with his. His mother is respectful, she talks to me when I call their home, or stop by, but I try to avoid that at all costs. This causes problems between Dy and me, but I just can’t deal with it. Mr. Knight is extremely open with his opinion and has made it abundantly clear that Dy can do better. It hurts more than I can explain. I honestly don’t think anyone could love him as much as I do, nobody.

I still haven’t told Dy I love him, but I do, with my whole heart. I think he loves me too, but he hasn’t said it either. There isn’t a day that goes by that we do not find a way to be together. Usually, for obvious reasons, it’s either out or at my house.

The snow falling is light. North Carolina doesn’t get much snow, mostly ice, and when it does fall it usually melts and turns into massive patches of ice over night. “It would be so nice to have a white Christmas, wouldn’t it?” Mom was baking a million and a half cookies for youth at church. I was eating them faster than she could get them off the cookie sheet.

“Hot!” I slung the cookie from the latest batch, peanut butter I believe, onto a napkin on the table. “Yea, it would be nice.” I said half listening to mom as I glared at the cookie. It wouldn’t win, I was going to eat it hot, and that’s when they are the best.

Pouring a small glass of milk, I decided, since mom was in such a happy, joyful and good tiding type of mood, to throw the mountain trip out there to her. “Have you decided what to get Dyson for Christmas?” Her question threw me off guard and had my mind wondering else where.

“Yea, but I don’t like any of them.” I said sadly. I had been shopping with Kota a dozen times and couldn’t find anything that was perfect. I wanted perfect. “Have you thought about a nice, warm sweater, it’s going to be cold this winter?” Um, really? “No, mom, he is not a nice, warm sweater kinda guy.” I said laughing quietly to myself. “Ok, how about jewelry?” Hmm, that one wasn’t that dastardly, he has his ear pierced, and he did wear necklaces. “Are you going to spot me some cash?” I lifted my eyebrow, knowing she was going to say no. “Sure, I will.” I almost choked on the cookie, now roughly sliding down my throat, un-chewed. Mom laughed at the look on my face, “You will pay me back!” She said in a no-duh kind of voice.

Well this changes everything, maybe I will go shopping with Dakota tomorrow, ugh, I still dread it though.


Last day of class before Christmas break. Every class was nothing but fun and games. Call me a suck up if you want, but I do buy my teachers presents, after all, they get paid crap and put up with a ton of teenagers, they deserve something extra, even if it is only a five dollar gift.

Walking towards the lunch room, I noticed Kota and Shawn in the hall. As I walked closer, I noticed Kota was upset, trying desperately to keep her voice under control. I quickly sped up to find out what was going on. Kota noticed me coming and turned her back towards me, trying to clean up her face. She was crying? Kota doesn’t cry, what the hell is going on?

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