Chapter 12: The Storm

Start from the beginning

I held my knees to my chest as the power went out and loud thunder strikes again making me whimper.

"Shit..." I heard Michael mumble as I heard a few things fall and a few things break.

I heard shuffling and Gavin struggling to get out from under his desk as he threw thick British covered cuss words out.

"Is everyone ok?" Geoff asked, stumbling into something. "Fuck that hurt." He mumbled.

"So much for the editing..." Ray pointed out. I seriously didn't give 2 shits. I haven't been in a earthquake since I was in California when I was growing up.

-Ryan's PoV-

What the fuck? I haven't felt an earthquake in years! 'Hannah...' My mind thought as I struggled to find my phone that was on the ground.

"This is one thing I hate about this office, no fucking windows!" Jack said.

"You can say that again." I sighed as I turned my phone on for light.

"Hey! Good idea!" Michael said as I saw he turned his phone on for light.

'Hannah...' My mind said again as I made my way to her desk. "Babe?" I said as I heard whimpering. I crouched down and shone the light from my phone under her desk. She was in a ball.

"Baby, come on, it's ok you can come out now. It's over." I reached my hand out to her, she didn't take it. I sighed and sat on the floor and placed my hand on her knee, she was trembling.

My phone turned off and I went to turn it back on when I was grabbed, I'm assuming it's Hannah once I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist.

"Baby, it's ok, I got you. You're safe." I wrapped my arms around her as she climbed in my lap, crying silently.

-Hannah's PoV-

I gripped Ryan's shirt tightly as I tried to regulate my breathing as he rubbed my back and spoke soothingly in my ear.

"It's ok, you're safe... I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered as he kissed my cheek.

All our phones went off almost at the same time. We all looked at them. It was an alert.

WARNING: Heavy thunder and Rain storms, suggested for residents to stay inside from now until 5-6pm.

Everyone sighed. "Looks like we're gonna be here late hours." Michael joked.

"Yea.." Ray said as he plopped down on the floor as Geoff left the room.

I picked up my phone and texted Ash.

Me: Hey you ok? I know you hate thunderstorms as much as I do but the earthquake didn't help.

Ash: I know, yes I'm fine, Jon is holding me. I'm crying like no tomorrow.

Me: Hang in there, I cried too. I love that our men hold us when we're like this.

Ash: I know right? Anyways I'm about to go eat. See you soon.

Soon Geoff came back with a battery-powered lantern an sat it in the middle of the room. "The generators are out of gas so we're not gonna have power unless it comes back on or Burnie and Gus go get gas." Geoff sighed. "Anyone hungry?" He asked.

Everyone but Ryan and I said yes. Once everyone cleared out and I was calmed down Ryan spoke.

"You ok babe?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded and sighed. "That really scared you... you were trembling when I got to you." Ryan held me close.

"It wasn't really the thunder this time, that shit I can deal with." I paused, "The earthquake is what broke me... growing up in California they have earthquakes all the time, they scare me shitless. I don't know why but I rather have loud thunder than earthquakes any day." I whimpered quietly as I leaned up against Ryan, sighing.

"Well don't worry, I'll be here to keep you safe through all of the storms and earthquakes. I just never felt one here since I moved here. I have in Georgia." Ryan said, kissing my head.

"Thanks babe, I'm just embarrassed that I acted that way.." I mumbled.

"Well, I was scared something was gonna happen to you, so you weren't the only one. You're my everything."

"Hey... I brought you guys sandwiches, sorry to interrupt." Gavin said walking in and handing us the food and drinks.

"Thanks." I smiled as Ryan nodded. Gavin then left the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Gavin's still scared shitless over you isn't he?" I chuckled as I opened one of the drinks.

"Yep." Ryan smiled as he bit into his sandwich. I shook my head and sighed, biting into my sandwich also."He should be." Ryan added as he smirked.

-Hours later-

"Hey! The rain stopped! Everything's soaked tho." Ray said as he walked in the office. "I think it's safe to call it a day and go home."

"Yea I wanna get outta here." I said as Ryan and I were still on the floor, but I was in his lap again.

"Let's go to my place." Ryan said as he rubbed my shoulders.

"Mmk, Ash told me Jon was taking her home so I don't wanna be alone." I mumbled.

"Fuck if I leave you alone after seeing you like this today, I wouldn't leave you alone. That would be one shitty move." Ryan had a point.

-At Ryan's-

"Powers still not on." Ryan said as he flipped a switch on the wall a few times when we walked in.

"Ehh, it's ok. We can just have a candles burning. Plus it would be something kinda romantic at the same time." I smiled.

Ryan chuckled as he used his phone for light as he searched for a flashlight. He then found one and then started looking for matches.

Soon we had a few candles throughout living room as we relaxed on the couch and talked. "Wanna play Rummy?" I asked suddenly.

"Sure, let me go get the cards and find better lighting." Ryan said getting up.

He soon came back and we sat down on the floor at the coffee table as he turned on his battery-powered lantern and blowing a few candles out.

"We can play strip Rummy." I smirked.

"Oh? Kinda like strip poker?" Ryan raised a brow. I nodded.

"Whoever looses has to take off 1 clothing material." I said as I shuffled the cards.

"You're on." Ryan smirked.

Tonight, is gonna be fun.


Hey MadMinions and Gavinators! (Do you like that nick name for you Ryan lovers out there? I'm still working on it ok? 😰)

I wanted to thank Hazelsaur705 soooo much for giving me this idea! I wrote her last night and was fretting about not having an idea and she helped! Thanks again! Love you!

If you have any ideas for this book please don't be shy, I'm having writers block and its being a bitch. Maybe I should just go watch AH and get ideas...

That sounds like a plan... Ok... Ill do that...

Anyways! I love you all and thank you for your support and help during this!

Stay Mad!


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