Draco's hand shook violently as Bellatrix yelled "Now!"

The door flew open one last time to reveal Severus Snape, "No."

Dumbledore's eyes fell dark, "Severus."

Snape didn't think twice, "Avada Kedavra."

The Headmaster's unmoving, fragile body fell from the Astronomy Tower as his empty, haunted eyes stared blankly at the stormy sky as the Dark Mark grew over the school.


The Death Eaters ran throughout the castle creating destruction everywhere they went, just for fun.

After demolishing the Great Hall, they ran towards the forest to flee.

Filled with rage and confusion, Harry stormed out of the castle after the fleeing Death Eaters.

He sprinted through the corridors, his eyes blurring with tears.

He ran straight into someone and toppled over.

It was Isabel.


He jumped up and ran past her and the others without a second glance.

Isabel laid there on the ground for a second in shock but then jumped up as well.

She looked at the others who just stared back at her.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go after him!"

Harry ran across the castle grounds through the dewy grass.

A bright flash became an explosion of flames as Hagrid's Hut caught fire.

Harry ran closer, "Hagrid!"

This caught the Death Eater's attention.

Harry began blindly shooting spells at Snape, which were easily deflected.

"He trusted you!" Harry screamed.

Snape continued to deflect his spells.

Harry grew increasingly furious, "Fight back, you coward! Fight back!"

Snape snapped and hit him with the same spell Bellatrix used to set Hagrid's home on fire.


Harry fell on his back breathing heavily from the burning blow.

"Do not ever use that word and my name in the same sentence." Snape threatened.

Harry pulled himself face to face with his Professor, "Why? Scared if I say it you will know it's true?"

Harry continued to shoot spells and Snape deflected them.


Snape deflected it again, "You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?"

Harry stopped dead in his tracks.


"Yes, I'm the Half-Blood Prince." Snape  said, revealing himself.

Harry mustered his courage in anger, "You created that spell."

Snape nodded.

Harry looked around at the other Death Eaters.

"And you," Harry pointed his wand straight at Snape's face, "taught—"

Hayden walked forward next to Snape.

"Yes he taught me, I learned from the best Professor,"

Harry backed up away from them, only thinking about Isabel and her little brother who was murdered by HEL.

Hayden then pointed his wand at Harry's forehead, threatening to kill.

"He's to be saved for the Dark Lord," Snape reminded him.

Hayden lowered his wand and licked his lips. The rest of the group followed his lead as they ran off into the forest.

Harry stood watching them go as the sky turned green.

He turned to look at the castle, the Dark Mark still looming overhead.


Isabel, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron went to chase after Harry when they ran into McGonagall.

"Professor—" Hermione started, but she cut herself off when she noticed the Dark Mark out the window down the corridor.

She ran down the hall and out the door, the others following close.

At the bottom of the Astronomy Tower laid a body.

McGonagall stepped forward and pushed the students behind her.

They all cautiously stepped forward until they saw his face.

Her heart dropped, "Albus,"

The four friends and McGonagall were frozen in place as they stared at their friend and Headmaster.

Other students and teachers began to pile out as well.

The four friends stared at their lifeless Headmaster, unable to speak or do anything. Ron took Hermione's hand.

Harry pushed through the students up to where Dumbledore laid.

He fell to his knees, everyone was silent.

Harry found in his Headmasters hand the horcrux they found together. Harry quickly pocketed it.

In one last hopeful attempt, Harry placed his hand on Dumbledore's chest, hoping in vain for a heartbeat.


He knew he was dead, he saw it happen.

But it was unsettling.

When he was younger and when Voldemort was after him, he was always comforted by the fact that Dumbledore was always there to protect him.

Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort feared. Dumbledore was the greatest wizard of all time.

And he was gone.

Suddenly Harry felt an arm around him.

Isabel was sitting by him.

Relieved, Harry let his head rest on her shoulder.

McGonagall collected herself, wiping away tears and held her wand to the sky.

One by one, students and teachers all raised their wand in Dumbledore's honor.

Slowly, the sky became clear and was free of the Dark Mark.



End of Part 2.

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