Tragic News For A Tragic Past.

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I walk out of my room and through the house to the living room. I was tired and in pain, after getting back from my "trip". I sit down in the living room on one of our couches.

My mother is on the other couch reading her ebook as usual. "How was it?" She doesn't raise her eyes to meet me.

I sigh. "The mission was a success, but I didn't walk away untouched. Then again when do I." I smile.

She sighs heavily. "Come here and let me see how bad." I stand and walk over to her. I pulled off my sweatshirt and my tee-shirt and sit in my tank top. My mother shuts off her ebook and looks at my wounds. She touches one. She then begins to squeeze feeling around to make sure there is nothing in it. I wince. "Yup. It's in there deep. Looks like I have to take you to the MSS hospital."

My eyes widen. "Wait what will they do? How much pain will I have? Not that it can be any worse than what happened on that trip."

"Well, first they will take out the bullet. Then they will sterilize it and sew it up." I groan.

Yes, I know what your thinking. What the hell was this girl doing to get herself in a situation that she was shot? Let's backtrack.

Four years ago

I was sitting in my pink room on my pink camo bed sheets watching Disney Channel. I heard a loud knock at the front door.

My window faces out to the driveway and from there I can slightly see the door.

I look out and see 5 black cars parked in my yard. Men with black suits all around surround the house. They are holding guns.

"What. Is. Happening." I run out to the kitchen and hid in the pantry listening to the conversation of the people at the front door.

"It's time Rockel. We have to take her. She is thirteen now. That was the deal."

"Please don't take her she is so innocent."

"I'm sorry but we can not pass up a kid like her. She is smarter than most of the adult agents in our organization."

"Are you sure neither of us can take her place?" My dad hugs my mom.

"I'm sorry but no. Rockel is going to be trained in medicine to care for Levi when she is home so she can treat minor wounds as she will have some after missions and training camp. Bret in your condition you are kind of useless to us. I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs.Yanz but I have to take her today." They looked at each other.

"Go in the kitchen. Walk straight turn left then right and walk through the dining room. Her room is at the end."

"Thank you for your cooperation." I heard footsteps.

I slowly opened the door and came out. "You're not gonna find her in there." The lady turned as did the two men with her.

She looked at my parents. "Why were we not informed of the second child?!"

I opened my mouth quickly. "There isn't one ma'am. I am Levi Yanz."

She smiled. "Ah, Levi. I am agent 135 but you can call me Sue." I wave a bit. "I am here to take you to the MSS training camp."

"What is the MSS and why will I be training there? For what?"

"The MSS is also known as the Michigan Secret Society. We take teens such as yourself and make them into strong spies to do missions like taking down bad guys to save our country. We go off of the IQ tests that you students take in your eighth-grade classes. You were in the top ten in Michigan."

"So I'm going to be a Spy?" Sounds cool right?

"We prefer the term agent." Buzzkill.

"How long will I be there?" I frown looking at my parents.

"You will train for two years and then you will be an agent for life coming back to the training camp every six months to train for a month."

"Where is this camp?"

She sighs getting frustrated. "You ask a lot of questions for such a young girl. Surprisingly it's not in Michigan. It's not even in the US. The camp is located in Korea." I get sad thinking of all the people I am leaving behind. Especially my family. "Don't be sad. Your mother will come with us. Your older brother will also be traveling with us as I brought him here today."

My eyes widen. "Alec?!"

She pushes her earpiece in a bit. "Bring in agent 30." She smiles at me.

My brother and I are three years apart. Come to think of it he was taken three years ago as well but I was told he went to live with family friends because of having trouble with my father.

He walked in and ran to me and enclosed me in a hug. "You have gotten so big." I smile.

He is much taller than me now.

I feel a small peck on my forehead. I tighten my grip on his waist. "I know. I missed you too."

"Sorry, we don't have enough time for all this. We have to get Levi and Rockel packed to leave." Alec grabs my hand and we walk to my room.

Alec sighs. "It hasn't changed a bit." I smile. The men in black grab my suitcase from inside my closet and my duffle bag as well. Sue and Alec start packing my clothes. Alec picks up my doll that I call Lucy. He mouths something. "Do you want this?" I nod my head yes. He rolls his eyes and puts it in my bag.

My mom walks in with a small makeup bag. "Here are your toiletries and first aid kit." She shoves them in my bag and kisses Alec on the head.

In Korea, I trained and trained. I was bruised, cut, and shot. It was hard.

At the age of fifteen, I returned home. Ever since then I have been known as agent 07 aka Princess.

The nickname was a term bullies used since all of the trainers loved me and favored me but soon I was at the top and they all shut up.

Back to the present day.

After leaving the hospital and going back to the house I decide to go on a walk.

I wear a black crop top sweatshirt with a black tank top and black leggings. Also my black tennis shoes.

As I go to walk out my bedroom door, I grab my pack of cigarettes and my lighter and hid them in my waistband. Realizing that you can very clearly see it I throw on a gray sweatshirt and put the items in the pocket of the sweatshirt and head out.

"Going on a walk."

"When you got back we need to talk." I walk out.

I take one last drag of my cigarette and throw it in the road and step on it. I walk up to my driveway and through the door to my house. My mom looks up.

I sit on the couch across from where she is. "Ok. Talk."

"Do you remember my friend Min Rose from Korea?"

"How could I forget." I smile remembering the dear lady.

"She was killed." Woah.

"Wait what?" My eyes widen as my head spins.

It's funny how someone's world can change in such little time.

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