9:30 am

"Hey babe." Cira says as her face pops up on my laptop screen. 

"Hey, How are you?"

"Busy." Cira says furrowing her brows. "I don't know if I'll have enough time to study for my finals and my internship."

"You'll figure things out." I says leaning back again my headboard. "You always do."

"I know, I know. You'd think after two years I would have this whole college thing figured out."

"That's a real funny joke." I chuckle. 

"Gosh, I'm loosing my mind." Cira laughs as she begins to put on some earrings. "What about you? How's college treating you."

"Um, fine." I sigh. "Training takes up so much time."

"Well don't burn yourself out." Cira says, she bites her lip. "Should I leave my hair like this?"

I study her nervous face with a small smile, "Cira you look beautiful."

She lets out a small laugh, "You always say that."

"It's true. You'd look beautiful with a rats nest on top of your head."

Cira shakes her head, "Oh stop,  anyway how's your mom?"

My stomach sinks. "Uhm, they're not sure yet. They found some abnormal swelling but-"

"Oh no." Cira says her face paling. "You don't think it's cancer do you."

"I don't know what to think."

"You're moms the strongest person I know. If anyones gonna be fine, it'll be her." Cira says comfortingly. "I have a lot of faith in her."

"Me too." 

"Anyway," Cira says checking her phone. "I gotta go- Text me if anything changes with your mom okay."

"Wait I love-" Cira's face is replaced with a black screen. "you." 


9/22/20 10:45 am

"Are you coming?" Caden asks getting up from his seat. 

"In a bit." I say putting my laptop back in my back pack. "Wait for me outside?"

"Sure." Caden says with a yawn. "But you're buying me a coffee."

A throng of students start to leave their seats, moving up the stairs to the exits. 

I maneuver myself through them, finding myself at the front of the room, face to face with Professor Lucas, whose dressed in a blue button up shirt. 

"Hey." I say clearing my throat. 

Professor Lucas looks up from his computer, his eyes setting up on me. "Hey William." He says taking off his glasses. "How can I help you?"

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