Her Call

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One Week Later

Missus Hudson smiled to herself as she climbed the stairs to 221B. Sherlock could be heard playing the violin in his living room. The melody was simple and strangely lively, rather than slow and sad. Must be in a good mood. I hope he is, he's been gloomy all week with Adelaide gone!  She mused to herself, stepping into the flat, "Yoohoo!"

He didn't turn around or stop playing. He was at the window, staring blankly out onto the street as he played. She set down the tea tray and poured a steaming cuppa for him, adding cream and sugar for him. Finally the detective spoke, "Two more weeks of torture for me."

"Oh, Sherlock, if you focus on your cases than they'll go by in a blink! She'll be back here before you know it."

"That is what everyone has said. However I cannot simply distract myself from time." The landlady gave up and changed topics, tapping her fingers on her forearms.

"Working on a new song, then?"


"I haven't heard you play a song this upbeat since Christmas."

Sherlock stopped playing and lowered his violin, turning around at last, "It is a draft for mine and Adelaide's first dance. Believe it or not, I can make music that isn't melancholy."

"Will miracles never cease!" She hummed, teasing him gently. He almost smiled but she knew he took it well. The landlady handed him his cuppa and he sat down in his chair, "So no cases today so far?"

He shook his head, "Nope. None worth my involvement, anyways. But I don't mind being able to focus on composing."

"Oh I bet. You've only got a little over a month, after all, to get the song written and choreograph if that is what you're going to do for it. You and Adelaide are going to be so busy when she gets back!"

Just then the downstairs front door opened and shut. A half minute later John walked in, "Hullo, Missus Hudson, Sherlock."

"Hello, John. Good day at the clinic?" She asked.

"Yes. Rather slow so I came over here," John sat down across from Sherlock, "And how 'bout you, Sherlock?"

"Mostly uneventful. I was working on the wedding waltz before Hudders brought tea up."

The army doctor nodded, "Heard from Adelaide today?"

"Awaiting a message from her."

"Here you are, John," Missus Hudson gave him a cuppa and then sighed, "I suppose that the time difference makes it harder for you two?"

"Your supposition is correct. She is nine hours ahead. When she does text then it will be night there," Sherlock took another sip of tea, "It'll be two more weeks of minimal contact because of her schedule. Almost every day is being spent outdoors searching for toxic reptiles."

"Toxic reptiles?! Adelaide?!"  Missus Hudson exclaimed. She, unlike Sherlock's to-be wife, had a strong aversion to reptiles, especially venomous ones. The former exotic dancer threw up her hands and ran from the room murmuring about snakes and lizards.

Sherlock sighed, "Adelaide has encountered several lethal species in just this past week. Too closely to be honest."

"What, did something bite or sting her?"

"No. But she has however stumbled across an Inland Taipan snake and those have the neurotoxicity to kill one hundred people with a single drop of venom."

"It didn't attack?"

"She got clear of it when she realized it was there. It didn't strike, thank goodness."

"A snake bite would certainly sour her visit."

As soon as John finished, Sherlock's mobile started ringing. The detective retrieved it from his dressing gown pocket, "It's her," John nodded and the brunette got up and went to his bedroom to take the call, "Hullo, Adelaide."

"Hey, Sherlock! I decided to call you instead of text tonight."

"I certainly will not complain. It is wonderful to hear your voice, Lovey." She giggled on her end and he smiled.

"Aww, I missed hearing your voice too, Darl. It's been tough not seeing and hearing you every day."

"It has been torment."

"Okay, Okay. I guess that's accurate," She sighed, "I miss you, Sherlock."

"I miss you more, Adelaide."

"Oh really?"

"Yes! You have been working all day everyday. I can't distract myself at all. The criminal class has taken a holiday it seems. Hardly any good cases and Sally is mocking me incessantly," He ranted and then exhaled, "But I have been working on our wedding waltz, Angel."

"Aww! And how's it coming along, Sweetie?"

"I believe I will complete it before you return. It is going to be one of the faster pieces I've composed. Hudders commented that it doesn't sound like my signature style."

"I'm glad to hear that, Hun. It's exciting to know we're already so close!!"

"Indeed, Love! Now, what about you? How was your day?"

"Oh, it was chaotic. You wouldn't believe that one of my exes arrived today! It was awkward the entire day because he's not over me and wasn't enthused about my being engaged."

"An ex-boyfriend? What is he doing there?"

"He came as part of a research group from Melbourne. He's a specialist in Rodents. But he's really not the big reason I called..."

Sherlock frowned and gripped the phone, "What is it, Love? What happened?"

"Well, Darling, I might not get back to London in two weeks..."

The brunette's heart sank and he pinched the bridge of his nose, "S-Seriously? Even longer? Why might you not be able to come back in two weeks?"

"Well, Darling, you know how I've been working around venomous reptiles..?"

Stay tuned! 😘

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