Down the Trapdoor We Go Part 1

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So maybe I should've listened to their conversation. Wanna know why? 'Cause now I'm completely lost on what we're doing.

First, Mione tells me that we need to go visit Hagrid, we do. So then, after that she tells me we have go see professor Dumbledore. Only for us to find out that he isn't at Hogwarts right now, which means, yup you guessed it, Snape's going to steal the stone tonight for Voldy!

Isn't that just great?

Note the sarcasm there.

And to make things even better, it turns out that we're going after the stone too. I don't really mind, I'll finally get to see Fluffy, I'm just worried about Harry, Ron and Mione.

I know Fluffy said he wouldn't hurt them but still.

Oh well, I'll just have to trust Fluffy.


(Later at night, when they're going after the stone) (In the common room) (Still Melodia's Pov)

We were about to go after the stone, when we heard a croak. We looked down and saw Trevor, Neville's toad, sitting on the arm rest of a chair.

"Trevor! Go you shouldn't be here." Ron exclaimed/whispered.

Wait, if Trevor's here, then that means...

"Neither should you." Neville said coming up from his seat in the chair.

"Neville, you don't understand, we have to do this-" Harry started.

"No! You'll get Gryfinndor in trouble again. I won't let you. I-I'll fight you!" Neville said raising his fists as if to fight.

Mione and I exchanged a glance and pushed our way to the front.

"Sorry Neville. Petrificus Totalus!" We said in unison.

And down went Neville.

"You know, you guys are scary sometimes. Brilliant, but scary." Ron said.

We smirked and started walking on out of the common room. We were using our invisibility objects again.

Mione and I were walking together considering the fact that I had to hold her wrist so that she would be invisible too. While Ron and Harry were under the cloak.

Soon enough, we reached the entrance of the trap door. And inside, lied the three-headed dog, Fluffy.

Surprisingly though, he was asleep. That's when I noticed the harp that was playing off to the side.

I guess it's true what they say, music soothes the savage beast.

"He's asleep." Ron said.

Thanks for pointing that out Ronald, because we definitely couldn't see that it was asleep.

I heard snickering so I looked towards the source.

It was Harry and Mione, however Ron was glaring at me with a slight blush on his face. Then I realized I had been talking out loud.

"Whoops..." I trailed off.

That only caused Harry and Mione to laugh more.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with." Ron grumbled.

We nodded in agreement.

"Alright, so we move his paw on three. One." Harry started.

"Two." I continued.

"Three!" Mione and Ron finished.

We pushed the paw straight out of the way and opened the trapdoor.

"Alright so I'll go first-" Harry started.

"Haha! That's a big, fat no!" I cut him off.

"Melody-" He started again only to be cut off by me again.

"Don't even start with that Harry. If you go down first then I'm coming with you, end of discussion."

He groaned.

"Ugh, fine."

"Thank you. Now, has anyone noticed that the harp stopped playing?"

Their eyes all widened and they backed up pointing at something behind me. I turned around and there stood Fluffy fully awake.

He growled at me at first until I put my hand on his nose, allowing him to sniff me.

A couple of sniffs later and he licked my hand in a friendly greeting.

I wiped my hand off onto my shirt and nodded with a smile.

I reconnected with the Earth and talked to Fluffy.

"Do not worry child. We know who you are now, and we realize that those other children are your friends. Therefore, we let you pass. Be careful, dear child, for many dangers lurk awaiting you in the depths below that door."

"Thank you, Fluffy. I will forever remember our friendship."

"As will we, Mel, as will we."

I disconnected and smiled. Fluffy laid back down and went right back to sleep. I patted his head and nodded to the group.

"Alright, we can pass." I said smiling.

"Wicked." Ron, Mione, and Harry chorused.

I giggled nodded.

"Alright let's go." Harry started.

"Down the trapdoor we go." I finished as we jumped down.

Unfortunately, we did not know the hazardous things that waited for us at the bottom.


I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey guys, as you can see I have returned from my wonderful trip. It was awesome, I had a blast. And I did as I promised and updated! In my opinion it's a pretty short chapter, but I didn't want to give too much away, because then I wouldn't have a part two. And yup, I'm leavin' ya with a cliff hanger! Haha! Anyways, I'm feeling pretty inspirational today, so I might, just MIGHT update part two today. Whelp, that's all for now. See ya later! :)


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