Detention with Hagrid

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I can't believe how stupid and oblivious I've been this whole time. Nicholas Flammel is 665 years old because he has been possessing the sorcerer's stone, which when used can form an elixir of life.

After we all looked at the card, we went straight back to the common room and began to discuss it.

"I can't believe how stupid I've been!" Mione and I said in unison. Quickly, Mione ran up the stairs to our dorm to get a book we checked out together for some light reading, even though it's got a lot of pages.

The moment she came back she explained that she and I had checked it out for some light reading, and of course Ron had to remark.

"You call that light reading?"

"Some people actually like to read Ronald." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anyways, as I was saying, we remember reading about Nicholas Flammel and that he was in possession of the sorcerer's stone, which can be used to form an elixir of life."

"And that means?" Ron asked a bit confused.

"It means that with the sorcerer's stone you can live forever." Mione explained.

"But, why would Snape want to live forever? It seems like a lonely path." I questioned curiously.

"Good question. Hmm..." Mione pondered.

"I have a feeling Hagrid knows." Harry said.

"Yeah, let's visit him later." I agreed.

"Well, I don't know about all of you but I'm still hungry." Ron said, standing and walking towards the door.

"Of course you are Ronald, I'll be surprised when you're not." I remarked, sassily. Alexandra's starting to rub off on me.

"Oh shut up." He replied, blushing from the embarrassment.

Mione and I giggled, while Harry snickered.

"Are you guys coming or not?" He asked, annoyed.

Harry and Mione agreed, but I passed. I wanna read my mum's book a little more before classes.

"Ok, you sure?"

"Yea, go ahead, I'll see you guys in class."

"Alright, see you in class."

I waved to them on their way out, but as soon as they were out of sight I jet up the stairs, took out mum's diary and flopped onto my bed reading.



When we left Melody in the common room, I felt a little empty. I mean, we've always been together.

I almost lost her in that troll incident, I can't lose her again. So I'm starting to be more cautious, Hermione says I'm paranoid, but can you blame me? She's my best friend, not only that she's my girlfriend! So yeah, I'm going to be a bit paranoid.

We sat down in the Great Hall and me Ron started our game of wizard's chess again. Melody would win this in a matter of minutes. Okay, I need to stop thinking about her, she'll be fine.

Oh well, I guess I'll see her in classes.


MELODIA'S POV (After breakfast, 5 minutes before class)

Holy Merlin! How could this had happened? One minute I'm reading mum's book, the next I'm waking up and running to class! Oh dear, this is something only Ron would do...So how is it happening to me now?!?

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