"Let's go talk about it" he nudged me to move my feet as we walked along together. I'm I really having a talk like this with Wes right now? Wonderful.

Adam tossed, Wes two beers and Wes handed me one. Surprisingly these bottle caps were twists, so you did not need a bottle opener. I found it quite handy.


I left Dillon yet I felt slight of his presence on me and I felt a little bit blissful inside. I looked over at Mika and waved at her hopelessly to get her attention she was too occupied with Alain to care about anything else going on around her. I really wanted to go swimming now but everyone seemed to be chilled back.

Now that Dillon had warned me about the girls, I was too afraid to approach Calvin. I bit my under lip unsure of what to do. I looked behind me, Curt and Josh were laying on the same towel but Diplo wasn't there, Dillon was gone too. Calvin had a group of 4 girls laughing buy near him all with drinks in their hands. Alain and Mika were there and god knows how long they have been talking for. They together were going so well, I doubt that would happen between me and Dillon.

"Robby!" I heard Williams recognizable french accent yell from behind me. I turned around, he had dinosaur floaties in his arms. I smiled, running over to him. He handed me a floatie and released the rest of them on the ground. 

"C'mon let's go swim!", even though the day was getting darker it was still really hot outside and I for one would probably never get used to extreme heat like this compared to the cold weather in Seattle.

I took off my shirt and shorts and hopped into the water. It was suprinsingly perfect tempeture. We chilled off in the pool for 10 minutes. It was basically me and William who were mostly in for the fun.

Moments later we saw Diplo and Dillon coming out from the other side of the beach, I looked at William. "What were they doing?". William shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Imma call them to come here" I didn't tease William too much about his pronunciation but William could speak well enough to not have a bad problem talking in a conversation.

"DILLON! WES! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE" I covered my ears. Holy shit, William could scream. Everyone else looked at us, I laughed.

Dillon was making his way taking off his shirt and walking into the pool joined in by Wes (which I was thankful William said Diplo's real name or I would have been screwed the whole night). "What were you fellows doing, huh?" William questioned.

"Talking and shit, you know" Wes replied.

"Manly" I teased. William only laughed.

Wes stole my floatie so I attacked him for it and eventually he gave up and gave it back. I was having a really good time and the guys were really funny. Time passed by quickly and Josh and Curt left quickly. Calvin stayed but the girls left getting quite bored and he looked quite lonely.

I swam to Dillon, "Should we invite Calvin over. His prostitutes left him".

Dillon puts his hand on my shoulder, "I got this". I got that strange feeling in my body again feeling like a shock of electricity went running through my body. Holy, shit.

"ADAM! GET IN THE WATER!" Adam looked up peering slightly.

"Adam?" I squinted at Dillon.

"Yeah Calvin Harris is just his stage name his actual name is like Adam Wilde or Wiles. Something like that."

"Wow Dillon, you could have told me that before" I scowled.

"Adam" I repeated in my head. It was weird that the name did fit him more well than Calvin. I felt like an idiot since just in one day I found out Dj Snake's real name, Diplo's real name and Calvin Harris's real name. Well fuck, I should've known better and did research but I honestly didn't have this all coming at me. It was too late now to do research.

Adam laughed from a far, pulling off his shirt. Damn, sure Adam did have a well built body. I myself admitted it was quite better than Dillon's.

Wes swimmed toward Dillon and I as we looked ahead to see Adam coming closer into the water. I turned to Wes, "Doesn't Alain have his set soon?". I ran my hand through my hair, combing it. "Oh, shit. He invited Mika and I on the side stage with him!" I remembered all about it.

"Are you gonna go?" Dillon asked. I shrugged, "I'm not sure. I don't think I wanna besides he only invited me along since I'm Mika's friend and he has a thing for Mika, you know" I gave them the look.

"Who's leaving? I just got in the water!" Adam pouted as he walked over still standing in the water.

"Nobody! I've changed my mind" I said to Adam in a smile. The guys chanted at me glad I stayed. I was surprised only Josh and Curt bailed but I was pretty sure they had other things to do. The guys were surprisingly really nice. Somewhere I heard rumors of Adam being a real douche but I don't know where I heard those kinds of things.

Adam hauled me under the water and brought me back up, I was gasping for breathe. "Adam! What the hell!?" I screamed. The guys were all laughing at me, I rolled my eyes coughing. "I'll have an asthma attack if you're asking for it" I glared at Adam teasingly.

We had been in the water for over an hour and decided it would be a good time to dry up and head our own ways. Mika was already gone with Alain but she left her things, I let the guys dry off with our towels. William left and I gave him a goodbye hug. "I'll see you later, munchkin" he picked me up and William almost squeezed the life out of me. William said goodbye to the other guys. After me, Dillon and Adam were left. I went behind a tree and changed my clothes and I was praying to god none of the guys were peeking.

Dillon and Adam were whispering but I couldn't here quite well and then I heard laughters coming from both of them.

"You ready?" Dillon said from behind the other side of the fat palm tree. I pulled over my shirt and peeked over. "Yup!", Dillon picked up his laptop case and Adam grabbed the blue cooler. We headed back to go see the stage. 

"Hey what happened to those girls?" I ask Adam as if I didn't know they had left him.

"They bailed on me", he looked down.

I smirked, "Well that's a bummer, are they gonna come back?"

Adam nodded his head, "Nah, I'm gonna ditch them here and not pay for them".

I squint, "Why are you paying for them?"

Adam looked away not wanting to admit they were actually prostitutes. I couldn't resist laughing but I tried my best to pull the desire back.

Dillon was examining the crowd jumping. Alain was on the stage, I found it so weird just knowing a couple minutes before he was in the presence of me and now he is playing a huge set infront of a couple hundred people. It was a lot of people and the boat held over 2, 000 people.

I stood next to Dillon as he was bobbing his head to the music.

"Pretty good set, huh?"

He gave me that same gentle smile, "Yeah".


Adam threw his beer in the air, me, Adam and Dillon were chanting the the song A-Trak had just began playing Duck Sauce's NRG remix by Kill The Noise, Skrillex and Milo & Otis.

"N. R. G. BETWEEN YOU AND ME. IT'S A BODY SHOCK. ELECTRICITY" we sang along together quite loudly. I felt so happy at that moment, I didn't want this night to go.

A/N : I'm really liking the way this story is coming out, I really hope you guys are liking it & thanks so much for reading this story. I love you!

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