Ch. 44 - Are We Bonding?

Start from the beginning

"You're nine, almost ten weeks right now, so chances are we won't be able to pick up a heartbeat yet. Not on a home doppler. Unless Sprout is in the perfect position."

Thea frowned as she eased down onto Eve's bed and lifted her shirt above her belly button.

"Dang, I was really hoping to hear Sprout."

Eve briefly fiddled with the handheld machine before turning it on, a soothing white noise sound filling the room.

"We can give it a shot. You'll need to lower your waist band," Eve explained, "right now the baby is still protected by your pelvic bone."

Thea eagerly complied and Eve applied the gel, causing Thea to shiver.

"That stuff is always so cold," she griped. 

Eve pointedly ignored her complaining and pressed the sensor to Thea's abdomen, listening intently to any blip on the doppler. After several minutes of searching, a quiet whooshing sound filled the room.

"What is that?" Thea asked, wide eyed.

"Sprout is moving," Eve explained, "I'm picking it up on the doppler because he or she is rolling under the sensor."

"Hold still, little Sprout." Thea whispered to her belly.

Eve tried valiantly to pick up the heartbeat, but Sprout was stubborn. 

"I get the first few beats, but then they move. I can't establish a beat per minute."

Thea sighed contentedly and sat up as Eve shut the doppler off.

"That's okay. I'm happy just hearing Sprout move."

Eve handed her a tissue to wipe off the remaining goop and tossed the doppler onto her bed.

"Yeah, I wasn't even expecting to pick that up, honestly."

Thea pulled her shirt back down over her slightly distended belly.

"I am so ready for this bloating phase to be over."

Eve turned back to her packing efforts,

"You're going to start rounding soon with how tiny you are."

"Which means people will start to notice." Thea added nervously.

"You just have to dress strategically," Eve advised, "you still have several weeks before it will be obvious."

Thea let out a coarse laugh.

"It will be pretty hard to hide at the waterfront."

"Just tell everyone you're getting fat and throw in some tears for good measure. People shrink away at women crying." Eve teased, trying to keep the conversation light.

"Not to be dramatic, but I'd rather eat a pine cone dipped in hot sauce and rolled in broken glass than to admit I've gotten fat."

Eve stepped over to her make-shift closet and picked up the grey garment bag she'd stashed her dress in for the party.

"Yeah ,that's not at all dramatic."

Thea's grey gaze fell to the bag with interest.

"Is that for your date?"

Eve cracked her neck and forced a smile,

"It's not a date, first of all. And yes, this is the dress I ordered for the engagement party."

"Let me see it," Thea demanded, reaching eagerly for the zipper.

Eve hesitated, but begrudgingly let Thea have her way.

"Holy shit," Thea murmured, "how fancy is this party?"

Eve sighed and ran her fingers over the lace.

"Extremely fancy. The Lake family is hella wealthy, in case you haven't noticed."

The dark blue lace draped from the plunging neckline down to the floor, a long slit up the front revealing the navy romper shorts underneath. Eve pictured the long diamond necklace she'd inherited from her grandma hanging elegantly down her chest and had to hold back a smile. After several weeks of smelling like lake and being continuously covered in camp dust, dressing up for a lavish event sounded downright heavenly.

"I hate to say it, but you're going to look hot in this," Thea admitted with a shake of her head, "I hope Austin wears some pleated pants, if you know what I mean."

"Gross, Thea," Eve snipped, zipping the bag closed with alacrity.

Thea let out a shrill giggle and sat back down onto Eve's bed moments before a sober look overtook her smile.

"Oh dear God, are we bonding?"

"Absolutely not," Eve replied immediately.

Thea blew out a sigh of relief,


A few moments of awkward silence passed, prompting Eve to get back to her packing efforts.

"Okay, so get out of here and let me focus. We need to be ready for check-out in 10 minutes."

Thea rolled her eyes petulantly.

"Can't a preggo enjoy some air conditioning in peace?"

"No, not in my room."

"Well aren't you sweet," Thea drawled, preparing to make her exit.

Eve pointedly ignored the comment and motioned toward the door. It wasn't until it the lock clicked behind Thea's back that Eve turned back to the garment bag, a smile playing at her full lips. No matter what the rumor mill would have to say about it, she was going to have a great weekend with Austin Lake... on the "not a date" date.

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