Chapter 16: A Tardy Tartarus? Not Today

Start from the beginning

"....right." Percy answered, feeling extremely creeped out. First Tartarus was an unforgiving arrogant god, then he was cocky, and now he was acting like an old grandpa telling his grandchildren stories. This kelphead was going to get a headache.

"And it doesn't help that your using her staff too." Tartarus added, gesturing towards the pulsing green weapon in Katie's hand. "She loved to threaten me with it."

"Hold on, that staff is Ghea's?" Rachel spoke up, eyeing the thing like it was going to explode any second.

"It was." Tartarus replied. "Well, at least before she met an awesome, handsome guy like me." He winked. He winked.

"Great, now he's rachett." Nico muttered to himself. Meanwhile, Percy Jackson felt an ear-splitting headache start to pound in this head. Personality swings were not good for the brain, especially ones filled with seaweed.

"So your saying...this was her's when she was married to the Sky?" Katie imputed, looking at the staff in her hands with disbelief.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying." Then the Pit god sighed. "Too bad it'll have to be destroyed."

He clapped his hands twice.

Suddenly, a surge of mosters appeared behind Tartarus, their hisses and growling filling the once-peaceful air. Their eyes glowed with absolute hate and malice at the six demi-gods, begging to rip them to shreds.

"I'm very sorry to say this, but you have to die." Tartarus continued in a solem voice, cold as a winter air. "You meddling demi-gods keep getting in the way. Nobody likes that."

"Seeing as there's nobody to like it or not anymore." Rachel added, grumbling.

This time, Tartarus's eyes flared with anger, not taking lightly to the insults like before. "I would've offered you a painless death, but you're going to feel my wrath." With an evil, cruel laugh, Tartarus dissapeared, leaving the six behind with an army of monsters waiting to devour some tasty demi-god flesh.

And without another second going by, the monsters attacked.

Snake women, venti-spirits, and other enemies surged forward, nearly overwhelming them in seconds. Clarisse screamed a battle cry before jumping into the chaos, slashing and jabbing at any monsters in sight. Rachel assisted her in any way she could with paint bombs in the pockets of her marker-covered jeans. Annabeth shouted helpful information to the six as she tore down monster after monster with her knife. Katie made wildlife spring out of the ground, tree's twisting around the enemy like snakes. But out of them all, Percy was the scariest, for he slayed down anything that got into his way with a flick of his wrist. 

Then it was time of some for some son of Hades action.

The room began to darken, snuffing out the light sources of the maze. Shadows became more prominent and gloomy, creeping up the walls in silence. Monsters quieted down, their hearts pumping loudly at the scary change of the room. Percy looked around the room for any signs of Nico, but couldn't find his location.

But then he spotted him.

Standing in the creepiest shadow, Nico Di Angelo stood quietly, hands raised as he did his son of the death god mojo. The room began to shake as the undead prodded the ground to open up and release them, straining to answer their calling. Percy felt a jot of fear looking at him, his eyes seeming to be more sunken into his face and skin as white as bones. He could barely recongize Nico as he contiued to bekon the dead from their slumber. But then he realized it wasn't Nico Di Angelo standing in front of him.

It was the Ghost King.

The younger demi-god continued to summon the dead, chanting in greek about very, very happy stuff (that was sarcastic btw) as he rose more skeletons and ghosts to arms. Forgetting about the battle, kelphead started to study the Ghost King even more.

Percy noticed how his slender build was one like deadly, cunning, and clever god, making the older demi-god feel as if he should be getting orders. The shadows under his eyes brought out the night-sky eyes that Percy started to love more and more, making Percy forget where he was. His pale cool hands never quavered as he pointed and ordered his legion of the undead around. The midnight black hair the Ghost King harbored was tosseled across his face, bringing out the sharp lines and shadows. 

Many would describe this sight as a scary one. Percy couldn't deny the feeling of fear he felt when he watched some monsters recieve some violent deaths from memebers of the Ghost King's army. But Percy had a differend word. 

There was only one word for the son of Poseidon to describe it: beautiful.

He never felt more wonderous as he realized that fact.

And nothing felt more right as he stood by the Ghost King's side, fighting the impossible foe together: as one.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok, since you all were like, "MORE PRECICO MORE!" I was like, "Oh! Ok! Geez but alright!" and added a somewhat fluffy moment to it. Seriously, this story's gonna be somewhere around 30 to 40 parts if we keep going like this. 

But hey, who are we kidding, the more the merrier!:D

So thats the end of my note, so yea, BBBYYYYEEEEE!!!! *flies away on a rainbow unicorn into the sunsut eating nutella

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