0.4 seeing blind.

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not 5 minutes later the ambulance arrives. stretchers are taken into the house, lifting Deavon off Louis' lap. "name?"

"Deavon William Styles, 10 years old, born 20th of February 2019." Louis quickly said, grabbing both Benjamin and Ebony's hand as they walked to the ambulance. Harry walked behind them, planning a murder in his head to kill the female that poisoned his son.

"you can't come with us, he's in danger zone and can't have any company now." one of the men said. Louis nods understandingly. "we'll meet you at the hospital, there will be someone waiting for you at the entrance." Louis nods again, worried too much to function. 

"c'mon babies," Louis whispers after he got back into reality. the kids crawled into the backseat of the car. Louis got in the driver's seat and sighed loudly. "he's alright," Louis prayed, closing his eyes for a couple seconds before starting the engine. 

"I'm with you, baby." he heard a small whisper say. Louis nods, knowing Harry watched him. "he'll be alright, I know for sure. and if he's not, he'll be alright with me."

a tear slipped down Louis' cheek as Harry said that. "at least he won't be alone then..." Louis sniffed and drove off to the hospital. Louis felt Harry's hand resting on top of Louis', making him feel safe and taken care of in such a bad condition.

they arrive at the hospital. "what's wrong with Dev, dad?" Benjamin asks carefully, knowing the state of Louis' right of the bat. Louis shrugs, his eyes showing worry. Benjamin held his hand as they walked inside. 

a man immediately walks up to them, "Mr. Louis T.Styles?" Louis nods, smiling at himself that he got engaged to the most amazing person on earth, unfortunately not married. "Deavon is in a critical state, we don't know what exactly happened to him, are there any family members that have been through critical states?"

Louis nods, "My fiance's family, my fiance had an internal bleeding, so did his sister, they both survived, though, my fiance died 10 years ago of stress, but I don't think that has an influence on our kids' health..." Louis struggled to say.

the doctor nods, "any sort of bad substance in your or your fiance's body?" Louis shrugs.

"my fiance dealt drugs when he was younger, also smoked and did drugs..." 

Benjamin was shocked at how his father was as a teenager. he didn't mind though, Harry had a rough past and that was probably his only option to slip away. "that doesn't have an influence on your kids, did you smoke while you were pregnant?" Louis shakes his head.

"no." he clearly said, "never smoked before, Harry stopped smoking when I was around 7 months pregnant of our oldest." 

the doctor nods, "okay, there's no way it could've to influence your son since the substance in his body is way different than the ones smoking, drugs and alcohol have." Louis frowns.

"do you mean he's drugged!?" Louis almost yelled out of anger. the doctor shrugs.

"we don't know, Mr. Styles, your son is currently in surgery to get the substance out of his body, we'll set up a room for him," Louis nods. "I won't let you or your children make a statement if you have anything to do with his state," 

"thank god, no way can my children or I be involved in this, only that we're his family, but we didn't do that to him, fuck no."

the doctor nods with a smile, "I know, I can see it in your eyes, and your children's. I'll take you to his room." 

while Louis was waiting for Deavon to arrive, Ebony and Benjamin are back home with Anne. Anne was obviously taken back at what happened, understanding Louis that he wanted to stay here and wait for his son. the door opened, but Louis was too sad to look up. 

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