chapter 17.

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There's a huge, huge fire close to me and it's been burning for at least 3 hours. There's so much firemen here and omg.


Louis looked around, only black walls around him. "your little boyfriend isn't here to save you."

"who are you?"

there was no reply. Louis walked around, bumping into the wall. he pouts. "where am I?" Louis asks again, hoping for a reply.

"somewhere your little boyfriend won't find you."

"my boyfriend isn't little, probably taller and stronger than you'll ever be."

suddenly he couldn't breathe again. deep red eyes stared into his soul. Louis gasps for air, what he didn't get. "be careful with what you say, Tomlinson. one wrong move and you're stuck with me, forever." Louis nods. tears stung in his eyes once he got released and fell to the ground.


"there are no tracks of wheels or footsteps." the officer said. "what we found, is a piece of clothing- can you remember something from it?" he asks Harry. Harry looked at the piece of fabric.

"it's my old jumper Louis 'lend'," Harry said, brows furrowing. the officer nods, noting it on paper. "but what has that to do with Louis' missing?"

"the man that took Louis, probably grabbed some clothing for him, where's your bag?"

"erm, upstairs with Louis' bag." a few officers went inside of the building.

"if there are any fingerprints near your bag or Louis' bag, we can find his identity and his information, probably which car he has or where he lives." Harry nods.

15 minutes later the men came back, "there are fingerprints found." they scanned the print and a face popped up.

"do you recognize this face?" both families look at the face of the man.

"I do," Dan said. all eyes were on him, "he worked with the mayor a year back before he got fired."

"do you know his name?"

"Michael Clain."

it's correct. the name was attached to the fingerprints. "do you have access to his identity?" Harry asks. the officer nods.

"he lives close by, maybe a couple blocks down this road." Harry went the officer to the building since Harry's one of the strongest. a few policemen followed the officer and Harry.

when they reached, the policemen broke in. "POLICE!" they all yelled. they heard footsteps from above. the officer made a sign to Harry to follow him. Harry nods and they walked quietly up the stairs.

Harry and the Officer checked every room, except the bedroom, that was closed. the officer kicked in the door. they walked in, seeing a woman and three children. Harry looked at the officer. "p-please don't hurt u-us." the woman said shakenly. Harry shook his head.

"of course not- are you Michael Clain's wife?" the officer asks. the woman nods. "do you know a Louis Tomlinson?"

the woman nods again. Harry went through his hair, pushing his curls back in place. "whe-"

"Mrs Clain. Michael has kidnapped my mate- and I know it sounds really weird- I know, but it's true. he kidnapped my mate, Louis Tomlinson, the son of the boss he worked for at the company for the mayor." Harry said. the woman shook her head.

"t-that's a lie! Michael wouldn't do that!" she declined. Harry went on his knees, reaching the same level as the woman and her kids.

"please trust us. we're not here to hurt you or your kids. just help us- he's my mate, well we wanted to mate, but your husband kidnapped him. his heat is in two days and everything can go wrong if you don't help us find him."

Alpha to Mate, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now