chapter 45.

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Harry and Louis have to redo the year, since they both didn't make their exams due to Louis' pregnancy. they didn't get time to make it during Louis' pregnancy since they were too occupied with each other.

a lot of others needed to redo the year, Zayn, Wesley, Taylor, Niall, Liam and Ed. Harry and Louis are excited to see their friends again after 5 months. they get out of the car and walk over to the entrance. Louis squeals, running towards Niall, almost jumping into the omega's arms. "Lou!" Louis held him tightly.

"I missed you so much," Louis whispers, letting Niall go. Niall chuckles.

"miss you too, buddy, where's the baby?"

"mum's taking care of him," Harry answers, hugging his friends. "it's a bit weird to bring your child to school, I don't want to make him hate school already," Louis giggles, placing his head on Harry's chest.


Harry turned around, seeing Ed and Zayn. Harry let Louis go, giving his best friends a cuddle. "hey mate. how's the little one?" Ed asks, giving his friend a bro-hug.

"good, good. he's the best."

"I seriously never thought Harry'd be the first out of the group to have a baby." Zayn chuckles. Harry shrugs. "but I'm happy for you, mate." Harry smiles, thanking his friend. Harry felt a tap on his shoulder. he turns around, seeing Taylor.

"long time no see." she giggles softly, sounding more like a dying cat. Harry smiles.

"yeah, became a dad, so had to be with the baby and all." Taylor's mouth fell open.

"seriously? who's the lucky omega?"

"Louis, of course." Harry eyed Louis quickly, shining bright and chatting with Liam and Niall. Louis smiles at him, mouthing 'I love you' to him. Harry returns with a smile before focusing on Taylor.

"how sweet," she said bitterly. Harry nods proudly. Taylor's fingers trace Harry's hand. Harry frowns, looking down at her movements. "you're so handsome, you know." she whispers, her lips hovering over Harry's ear. "I wonder how big you are." her hand moved over Harry's crotch. Harry grabs her wrist.

"don't. touch. me." Harry growls. Taylor only smirks. Louis walks over to them.

"everything good here?" Louis asks, his eyes throwing knives at Taylor. Taylor nods quickly. Louis rolls his eyes and pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek. Harry smiles at him, grabbing his chin and pressing their lips together. Louis wraps his arms around Harry's neck as Harry massages Louis' bumcheeks. Louis moans in the kiss, tugging on Harry's curls in the back of his neck.

Taylor rolls her eyes and walks over to Wesley. "there's no way he's falling into the trap, Wes." she sighs, placing her hand on her hip. "he's too obvious and in love with Louis."

"we can go back to the man who kidnapped Louis, he said he had loads of archives about Louis and his family," Wesley said. Taylor nods. "we all know Harry's weakness is Louis, so if something happens to his mate, Harry's a lost puppy, and then he's at his weakest."

"what can we do so Harry gives in?" Taylor asks. Wesley smirks.

"his baby."

Taylor looks at Harry, who hugs Louis from behind with his hands on Louis' tummy. Taylor nods. "what's the plan?"


"thank you so much for taking care of Benji." Louis thanks her, cuddling Benjamin. Anne smiles.

"it's no problem, Louis. I love taking care of babies, even more, when he's my grandson." Louis giggles. "do you know when Harry's coming back?" Anne asks, tidying the nursery.

"erm, his lessons take around four hours, so probably in two hours." Anne nods. "what will happen now?" Anne looks up at him, her brows furrowed in question. "there's no West-Master anymore. all the Westlings are in need of one and-"

"don't worry about it. Harry and I have it under control. the Westlings are mature enough to chew their own food so they can live by themselves, don't you think." Louis giggles. "and if the Westlings are so desperate for a West-master, then they find another one because we all know Harry won't take the name." Louis nods.

"Yeah, he's wonderful."

Anne smiles, "he is."


once Harry comes back he's all sweaty and tired. he unlocks the door, yelling: "I'm home!". he drops his gym bag in the hallway before walking into the living room, seeing Louis, Anne and Benjamin in a corner of the room. "why are yo-"

"Well hello."

Harry turns around, seeing Wesley, Tucker and a random girl. Harry's jaw clenches when he sees a gun. "get the hell out of my house." Harry growls. Wesley smirks.

"don't think we'll listen, you're no West-master." Harry rolls his eyes. "we talked to Chip. he wants his deal."

"well, that's sad for Chip." Harry commented, stepping to Wesley and his 'gang'. "I don't fucking care what you all want. go bother someone else, you fucktards. you are all fucking slaves for a dickhead who is DEAD! you're so desperate for your master to come back, but get it to your mind. he is dead. there is no West-master anymore, and there never will be one." Harry said in anger, his eyes dark.

"we don't even want you as our Master. you suck." Harry laughs, crossing his arms over his chest. "we want the baby." Louis gasps.

"not even over my dead body." Wesley points his gun at Louis' head. "pull that trigger and you know you're going to be meat." Harry warns. Wesley puts the gun out of safety. Harry growls.

"get the baby."

Tucker and the random girl walked over to Louis and Anne. the gun was pointed at Harry as Harry tried to get to his mate and mother. "stay away from my baby." Harry said, his voice wasn't as hard anymore. Wesley smirks. "stay the fuck away and I'll do everything you want." Harry gave in. Louis gasps.

"okay." Tucker and the girl stood still. Harry had his eyes focused on the gun that's still pointed to him. "you do whatever we want." Harry nods. "what shall we do?" Wesley asks his 'slaves'

Louis held his baby tight to his body, scared of what will happen. Anne had her arms wrapped around Louis for their safety. "H-Hazz..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP," Wesley shouts. Harry growls. "aw, is little Louis your weakness?" Harry's eyes were filled with fire and anger. "take Louis and the baby." Tucker and the girl grab his arms, pulling him away from Anne as he yells. Harry couldn't move, otherwise, he'd be dead.

"let Louis go," Harry demanded.

"your our slave now, Harold," Wesley smirks. Louis was crying, holding Benjamin close to him.

"I am everything but your fucking slave." Harry runs over to Wesley, grabbing the gun and tackles him down to the ground. he sat down on his chest, holding him down. "you know so damn well you won't ever defeat me." Harry growls, point the gun to Wesley.

"but we will defeat you." Harry's head turned as he heard his baby cry loudly and heard Louis yell. Harry saw Benjamin in Tucker's hands. Harry growls with his Alpha voice, he punched Wesley in the face, making him unconscious. Harry stood up, his hands balled into fists.

"don't you dare touch something that belongs to me."


Alpha to Mate, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now