chapter 36.

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the teacher moves her fingers on the beat of the classical music. "Frappe and end with a pirouette."

all dancers ended with a pirouette, bowing down to end the dance. "good job! don't forget to learn the dance before Friday." the dancers nod, "ONE MORE TIME!"

Harry watched in awe how his baby smiles while he dances. he's utterly beautiful. Harry falls more in love with Louis every day. the dance ends again. "this Friday we will dance in front of a 5 thousand people audience. the biggest dance we ever did. if you fuck it up, you're banned from the group."

"see you all Wednesday!" Louis walks over to the teacher. "Louis?"

"Erm... we still need to go to the doctor to find out, but me and my mate probably expecting," Louis said, scared of what his teacher will say.

"when will you find out?" the teacher asks. Louis shrugs.

"Haz- my mate made an appointment with the doctors for this Thursday, so we're finding it out one day before the dance."

"I hope you're not too far along to not be part of the dance." Louis furrows his brows.

"you only care about the dance? not one of your students having a baby?"

"I don't care about the baby, I care about my students who want to become famous for their dancing. you probably don't want it because you're pregnant!" Louis' mouth fell open.

Harry walks over to them, "what's going on here?" Louis shook his head.

"you know what, Misses Landford, you won't see me at the dance anymore. I'm quitting." the teacher's mouth fell open.

"b-but you're one of the best students I have!"

"if I'm one of your best students, you shouldn't say that about me, my mate and our future pups." Louis grabs Harry hand and pulls him out of the dance room. he storms into the changing room and changes into his normal clothing.

"baby, calm down. it's not good for our pups."

"we don't know if we're expecting, Harry," Louis said bitterly, throwing his dance clothes in the bin. Harry stops him, pinning him against the wall.

"we're expecting Louis. you smell differently. better than before." Louis rolls his eyes.

"ever heard of sweat?"

"I never knew sweat would smell so delicious?" Harry sasses, folding his arms over his chest. Louis groans, pushing the door open. Harry quickly grabbed Louis' dance clothing out of the bin, put it in his bag, before following Louis.

Louis waited for Harry to open the door. Harry grins at how cute Louis looks while he's angry. "such a kitten." Louis groans. Harry opens the car. Louis climbs into his seat. "I think your hormones are messed up. baby." Louis slaps him across the chest. Harry laughs. "pregnaaannt." Harry sings, starting the engine and driving towards Louis' house.

"stop it."

"you love it."

Louis huffs. "I'd love it if I knew we're expecting, but we don't know so don't jump to conclusions, Harold."

"that's the first time you called me Harold in the six months being together." Louis grins. "feisty."

Louis rolls his eyes.

"but all seriousness- I'm looking for a little house for our own." Louis looks at Harry in shock. "I've been looking for in East and the West... because I'm still stuck in West-High, and you're not. so..." Louis nods.

"I'll talk to dad about it." Harry nods. "if we're expecting a baby or babies, we need to be together 24/7."


"Styles, Tomlinson?"

Louis stood up with Harry, walking towards the doctor. "Harold, nice to see you again." Harry smiles. "how's everything?"

"alright. still hectic." Louis frowns. "oh, Lou, erm, this is my doctor, he's been my doctor when I got born so."

"I can tell you, Harry was an ugly baby." Harry groans. Louis giggles.

"please don't make our babies ugly, Hazza." Harry rolls his eyes. the doctor laughs and leads the way. "you're handsome, bub." Louis pecked Harry's lips.

"you're gorgeous." Louis blushes, climbing on top of the bed.

"can you lift your shirt, please?"

the doctor, Mr. Crosley, put the gel on his belly, before putting the stick on top of it. "have you thrown up?" the doctor asks. Louis nods.


"why haven't you told me?"

Louis shrugs, "I thought I had a cold..." Harry nods, grabbing Louis' hand.

"Congratulations, you're expecting."

Louis eyes shot to the little screen, showing the tiniest dots on the screen. "oh my god, Hazza..." Louis points toward the dot.

"we're becoming parents, Lou." Louis burst out of tears. Harry shed a few tears, holding his omega close. "our tiny tribe." Louis giggles against his chest.

"you're 6 weeks along." Louis nods.

"thank you so much." the doctor shook his head.

"thank you, Harold. the first grand-children in your family."

"yeah... can't wait." Mr. Crosley smiles.

"you'll be an amazing father, I know for sure." Harry thanks the doctor. "you want some photos?"

"duh." Harry chuckles. the doctor prints a few copies of the echo. he quickly wiped away the gel of Louis' stomach. "let's get you all home." Louis smiles brightly, thanking the doctor with a cuddle.

"can you imagine... we're having babies..." Harry couldn't stop smiling. "we created our own little pups."

"god, I love you so much," Harry said, grabbing Louis' hips and smacking their lips together. Louis giggles and throws his arms around Harry.

"love you much more."



Louis and Harry walk into the living room. "yes darling."

"where's everybody?"

"around the house, why?"

"Hazz, can you get everyone here please?" Harry nods, walking upstairs. Louis walks towards his mum. "we got a present for the family." Jay nods.

"for us all?" Louis nods with a smile. "that's sweet of you two."

once everybody's in the living room, Louis hands the envelope to his parents. Jay took out the card, "it says, turn around." Jay turns the card around, showing the echo. "oh my god." Jay burst out of tears. Dan grabs the card, looking flabbergasted at it. Jay stood up and pulled her son into a cuddle.

"I wanna know!" Daisy yells, running towards her dad and looking at the card, "what's that?"

"you're becoming an auntie. Louis and I are getting babies." Harry said, sitting on his knees. Daisy's mouth fell open.

"there's a baby growing in his tummy?"

"probably more than one." both twin's mouth fell open.

"that's so cool!"

Alpha to Mate, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now