chapter 13.

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And let's get the drama started (;

the next morning Dan decided to wake Louis up. he knocked on the door, "Louis, you up?" no response. Dan sighed and opened the door. he frowned as he saw clothes on the floor, more than one outfit. as he got closer, he saw Louis cuddling another guy. Harry.

"Louis William Tomlinson."

Dan grabbed the duvet and pulled it away, causing him to see the couple naked. "LOUIS WILLIAM." Louis wakes up and groans.

"Hazza..." his tiny hands grabbed for the duvet, but he never felt it. he opened his eyes and saw his angry dad on the end of his bed. "dad.." Louis wakes up Harry, shaking his body. "Hazz." Harry wakes up.

"what is this?"

Louis grabbed the pillow and hid his body under it. "dad... it's not what it looks like!" Harry stood up from the bed and pulled on his clothes.

"YOU FUCKED MY SON!" Dan yelled, shoving Harry against the wall. "YOU RUINED MY SON. YOU DIRTY WESTLING." Harry growls. "YOU DIDN'T DESERVE HIS VIRGINITY."

"I didn't fuck your son," Harry growls.

"that's what all the fuckboys say."

"dad... leave him alone. we didn't do anything. please." Louis begged.

"shut up. omega."

Harry shoved Dan on the ground. "don't you call him omega. he's much more than that." Harry hissed. Dan stood up, his inner alpha showing.


Jay rushed into the room. Louis was in tears on the bed, the duvet covering his naked body. Harry had only boxers on and was pressed against the wall by Dan.

"Daniel- let go of Harry." Jay said calm. Dan shook his head, holding Harry tighter. "Daniel Tomlinson."

"he fucked our son. he ruined him!"

"HE DIDN'T FUCK ME DAD." Louis yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks. "he wanted to take it slow. he wants it to be romantic and special for me." Louis whispers. Dan growls.

"Louis smells exactly the same, Dan. Harry didn't touch him."

"explain to me why you're both naked." Dan hissed.

"because I wanted it, dad! I felt like it. it's my fault."


"don't talk." Dan grabbed him by his throat. "you're a piece of shit. you don't deserve Louis. you don't deserve to be here. you don't deserve to be ali-"

"LET GO OF HIM!" Louis yelled, his voice breaking in the middle of the sentence. "I LOVE HIM." Harry's eyes grew big. "I love him dad... if you hurt him, you hurt me."

"you don't love this animal."

"I do! I do love him! he's more than just a alpha from the west-high!"

"you love him?" Dan asks, facing Harry. Harry nods frantically. "don't even come near my son again. do you understand me?" Harry nods again, fear in his eyes. "leave this place and never return."

he let go of Harry. Harry grabbed his clothes and left the room. Louis burst out of tears. "H-H-Harry..." he sobs, crying in the pillow Harry slept on. Jay and Dan left the room, leaving Louis broken in his bed.


the next morning Louis didn't want to get out of bed and face the world. face his father or his mother. all he wanted was Harry. "Louis. you up?" he heard his father.


"breakfast is in 5."

Louis strolled out of bed and put on dirty, old clothes, not caring about how he looked like. he checked his phone, no messages from Harry at all.

princess Lou👑🍑❤️: I'm so sorry what happened... I do love you Hazz. I really do. I hope we'll see each other no matter what and if not, I'll find a way to be with you. I can't lose you.. x

Louis walked downstairs and sighed. "good morning, LouLou!" Phoebe cheers. Louis didn't response, he's too sad. he sat down at the table and held his head down. "are you okay?" she asks with a pout.

"he's tired, isn't he?" Dan asks, growling a bit. Louis nods, grabbing some food and ate, even though he couldn't swallow it.

after 15 minutes he walked back upstairs and brushed his teeth. he got his books for the day and got ready to leave. "see you after school, darling." Jay pulled him in a hug. "you and Harry are allowed to be together Lou, but not when Dan's home, okay?" Louis nods against her chest. "I hate seeing you so heartbroken."

"I-I really love him, mumma."

"I know, my darling. I can see that. just be careful. once you're mated to him, your father can't do anything about it. just think about it, do you want to be with him forever and have pups with him?"

"I do mumma. I see us together in the future."

"I hope so for you, I can't stand you being like this." Louis smiled against her chest, "now off you go. go get your man." Louis giggles softly and walked to school, what's only 10 minutes.

once he arrived on school, he saw Harry's car. Louis let out a sigh of relief, walking inside of the massive school. he ran to Liam and Niall, "have you guys seen Harry?"

they both shook his head, "what's up?"

"dad got so mad at him. he's forbidding us to see each other." Louis whispers, turning around to see the curly headed boy, but there's no sight of him.

"oh my gosh, Lou... that's.. awful. I don't know what to say." Niall pouted. Louis nods. "we'll help you." Louis thanks him and they walked around the school.

the bell rang. "we have class with him. if he isn't there, we'll go and find him in the break." Louis nods, hugging Liam goodbye. Niall kissed him for a few seconds, before letting go and walk to the classroom.

"can you tell me what exactly happened?" Niall asks carefully. Louis nods, telling him everything from A to Z.

Louis and Niall sat together, waiting patiently for Harry to walk in. the teacher closed the door, what meant, if you come, you're late and you get detention. that's what happened to Harry. he opened the door, "I'm sorry I'm late-"

"take a seat Styles, 4 hours detention." Harry nods and walks with his head down to his seat. Louis immediatley turned around and grabbed both of his hands.

"I'm so sorry Hazz..." he whispered. Harry nods, looking at his lap. "Hazza..." Harry looked at him, his eyes were burning and red from all the crying. "I'm so sorry... I really am... I love you."

"I love you too..." Louis smiles sadly at him. "I didn't got the chance to read your message, dad's home and he fucked up everything even more."

"Tomlinson, I'd like to see your face, not your back." Louis sighed.

"tell me about it in the break, okay?" Harry nods, giving his hand a little squeeze.

in the middle of the class, the door opened. not only the mayor walked in, but also Louis' dad.

Alpha to Mate, Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now