Their Only Girl in the World (Bucky Barnes)

Start from the beginning

"But I'm your father!" Bucky yelled.

"So! I am a 22-year-old woman! I can decide things for myself!" She yelled back.

The two of them then got into a screaming match and Laura walked out of the room, with Bucky behind her as the two of them yelled at each other.

The team just watched as the father and daughter fought over what was right for her. Then Jake stepped in.

"Look, Mr. Barnes. Maybe you shouldn't be so overprotective of Laura." Jake said and stood next to his fiancée. He held onto her hand gently.

This. Made Bucky Furious.

"YOU! CAN NOT MARRY MY DAUGHTER!" He yelled at byte

That was enough for Laura. Tears came to her eyes.

"You never want what I want. I guess you never want me to be happy." She mumbled as she stares at her father.

"What?" Bucky whispered as his glare dissipated.

Laura walked by him and Bucky tried to grab her arm gently but she pulled her arm away from him as she stalked to the elevator. Jake following behind her.

The last thing Bucky saw before the elevator doors closed was Laura as tears streamed down her face as she hugged herself tightly as Jake rubbed her back.

Bucky slumped onto the couch and put his head in his hands. Guilt washed over him as Laura's words replayed in his mind over and over and over again.

"What did I just do?" He mumbled to himself.


The next morning, Laura was on her way to work to the elementary school where she was to teach a class of darling cute little children. She couldn't wait to see her students. She was humming along to the music in the car and she reached over to her purse for something as she crossed an intersection. Her car slowed as she wasn't paying attention, giving the chance for a drunk driver to run a red light and speed right towards her.

She looked up just in time to see the car before her car was t-boned. She screamed and threw her hands up over her face to protect her head. The car began to flip and her head bounced off her headrest and the window. Incapacitating her. The car stopped rolling and laid on its top as the airbag deployed and smashed against her ribs. Laura groaned as pain radiated through her body.

Black spots began to cloud her vision. She called out weekly for help and she heard footsteps running towards her car. She saw someone crouch down by her window with a phone pressed to their ear. The last thing she heard before her vision was consumed by a black cloud was the sound of distant sirens.


Jake waited for a text that Laura arrived at work. But he didn't get one. Instead, he got a call.

"Hey. Did you get to work ok?" Jake immediately asked. But it wasn't Laura who answered.

"Hello? Is this Jake Stark?" A different woman asked.

"Yes? Is Laura alright?" Jake quickly asked.

"She got into an accident and it being taken to the hospital right now." The woman said.

"I'll be there soon. Thank you for the call." Jake said and the lady hung up. Jew broke down into tears as he sank to the floor.


Laura was being loaded into an ambulance as paramedics rushed to stabilize her. She has dried blood under her nose, scratches all over her face and arms from the glass, the medics were pretty sure she had some cracked ribs and a broken arm and shattered knee, and she was fading in and out of consciousness. They were lucky enough to get her name and Jake's name from her as she was fading in and out.

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